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Road Trip


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When I was young, long, long time ago, My wife and I would often go the beaches on the weekend.  It was a two hour drive so, of course, the music was Rawk'n the whole way down.  This song reminds me of those days...I hope you enjoy:

Road Trip

Edited by amiller
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5 hours ago, Kenny Wilson said:

Yes this was good . I enjoyed your Guitar  playing and Tone .

all the best,


Thanks Kenny.  It’s great to have folks validate my efforts to produce songs that are enjoyed.  Thank you for taking the time to listen.

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58 minutes ago, Douglas Kirby said:

The lead guitar playing on this number is impressive - it was a cool listen - thanks for posting. Just out of curiosity, what axe are you using on this one?

Thanks for listening and taking the time to respond.  I’m glad you liked it.

I don’t recall which guitar I originally used, either my LP with stock pups or my PRS S2 semi hollow body.  But, I’m always working on my tone.  I’m currently using this signal chain:  Anderson Drop Top -> JHS AT stomp -> Kemper MBritt Crank-N-Go profile pack (Slo profile).  I like this tone so much that I went back to a few of my songs and used this tone to EQ match the lead.  

Oops, I forgot that I used my JS1000 for the whammy bar parts.?

Edited by amiller
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