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Excessive scrolling to select/delete Sends

jackson white

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A request for improved productivity.  

Use Case: Mixing; excessive scrolling to display+select || delete a Send

1. Relocate the audio I/F I/O listings to the end of the display. They are currently the first entry in the display which in my case is 31 entries and takes up more than half the vertical real estate. Excessive scrolling is required to display a Bus/Aux or S/C of interest.  

IME, audio I/F I/O is more of a one time setup activity and easily managed with the "[+] Track" feature and project templates. Send, Bus and S/C assignments log considerably higher activity. It would be nice to do so without having to wade through a long list of Audio I/F I/O. 

2. Relocate "Delete Send" to the top the Send list (i.e same as FX Bin). An alternative to excessive scrolling has been suggested but it's more work/defocus than desirable imho;
a. Left click "Send"
b. Move mouse to highlight "--- none ---"
c. Press the Up Arrow key (sends focus to the *last* entry which is "Delete Send")
d. Press "Enter" key

3. I'm also seeing a focus issue between the Send and FX Bin which causes the Inspector display to "jump" when trying to select an FX or Send. The scenario is a Send bin with 1X send selected and a second empty Send slot displayed in the Inspector. 
> Left Click on [+] Send (actually anywhere in the Send bin) 
   - The display "jumps", hiding the empty Send slot and leaves the mouse pointer positioned over the FX bin. 
   - To complete the intended activity, you have to reposition the mouse pointer and reselect Send [+]. 
> Clicking anywhere in the FX Bin will cause the Send to expand and show the empty slot again. 
> Once this state is active, it is consistently repeatable (and annoying). 

Edited by jackson white
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I'd go along with this to some extent, but I'd suggest that simply(!) having an extra layer of menu would suffice:




Then have the existing 4 "New" at the bottom as per now.

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  On 3/28/2021 at 10:11 PM, Kevin Perry said:

an extra layer of menu would suffice


Would be totally fine with (and prefer) that.

Made a completely unfounded assumption of a greater coding effort as the Inspector appears to be a custom implementation vs standard menu bar functionality. (It would be easier to reorder what's already there.) 

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  • 10 months later...

the last few projects have reminded me how productive it would be to have "Delete Send" at the top of a rather long list vs the -bottom-. not sure what use case prioritizes A/I sends over Bus/Aux/Patch Points, but would find "Delete Send" followed by "New Stereo Bus... Patch Point" more than useful. 

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