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CakeWalk Project File Size Doubles Upon Saving

Liam Yates



Sometimes (but not every single time) when I save a CW project, even after making only minor changes, the project file size will double. This is harmless for a while until the file size ends up being hundreds of megabytes, and earlier today one even became 1.7GB. This causes an error message when I try to save the project (something along the lines of "Cannot save - disk may be full") and cost me a couple of hours' work. Of the 30 or so project files I have worked on so far, it has only happened to two of them.

I do use a few plugins, but even when I don't add any plugins between saves, the file size can still double when saving.

I have not found anything about it on Google. Does anyone know why this may be happening or has anyone else experienced this? It is also quite interesting that the file size is (very) approximately doubling each time - from 19mb to 33mb to 63mb on the file I'm currently working on.



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19 hours ago, reginaldStjohn said:

Do you have auto-save on?  When you save are you doing a normal save or a "save as"?  It could just be a corrupt project. You could do a save as to a different folder, checking the box to copy project audio, and open that one and see if it behaves the same.

Auto-save is turned off and always has been on my projects. I often save as but I have no saved as in a new folder so I could try that and see how I get on. Thanks for the tip

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This reminds me of a thread in the old Cakewalk forum where a particular sound library made for UVI Workstation by a third-party vendor was found to increase the .cwp file size with some 13MB for each instance of that library loaded into UVI Workstation. It might indicate that there's a specific plug-in or library in your affected projects that make the size of the project increase the way it does. Maybe you can create a new project and add the plug-ins and/or libraries that you have in one of your affected projects one by one, save and then check the file size until you have possibly found a suspect? Below is a link to the thread I mentioned.



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Hello, I just found this thread because the same thing was happening to some of my .CWP projects.  Certain projects more than doubled in size every time I closed them.  After seeing above the it might be related to a plugin, I went through and reviewed the project where this was happening, and realized they all had an instance of Kontakt loaded.  One project had ballooned to HALF A GIG!  I went through the projects, deleted the Kontakt tracks, saved them, and now they are all back to a reasonable size.

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