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Bela D V Choir By Design and Soprano Choir 40% off

Larry Shelby

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Promo Code:VCBD40

Traditional price: $59.99
40% off: $35.99

Prices shown online are before the discount is applied.

You must add the code at checkout to see the price change.


Promo Code:VSOP40

Traditional price: $59.99
40% off: $35.99

Prices shown online are before the discount is applied.

You must add the code at checkout to see the price change.


Dawn, if you see this, the code in the email for Choir By Design is wrong.  The B and D are inverted.
I have fixed it here!

Edited by cclarry
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Where has Francis been lately? We used to be connected on Facebook and had some really nice chats but he got off Facebook a few years ago and I haven't heard from him since. I really like him and every time I see his company mentioned I wonder how he's doing. 

Our story is pretty hilarious. We used to have these epic debates on VI-Control regarding how developers could best address piracy. We have or had very different perspectives on how to combat piracy and my perspective has always been that developers shouldn't damage the user experience in their efforts to combat piracy. I also loathe piracy and totally empathize with developers about it, but as a paying user of software and sample libraries, I don't believe my user experience should suffer in order to reduce theivery. Anyhow, we eventually came to really like one another and I bet no one who witnessed those threads would have ever guessed that! So if anyone knows how Francis is doing or his wife sees this, I hope he's doing well and tell him that Peter AKA eDrummist says hi!

Edited by PavlovsCat
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