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Bias FX 2 plugin - Noise problem

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Hello guys. I recently purchased BIAS FX 2 - the Standard edition plugin - and it's sound, especially when i use pedals it's so noisy and bad dirty. Does any owner of this program has a solution to that? It's not my guitar problem or even something on my scarlett drivers etc, because i don't have similar problems with my rest (free) plugins or demos like amplitube 5, guitar rig etc. And i 've put the latency to normal levels, i mena to 96 samples+. So it's something to do with the specific program itself, or a setting maybe? Thanks in advance.

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Hello Craig, and thanks for your answer. I have noticed it mainly at disorted tones and especially with pedals like drive, disortion, fuzz etc. 

At clean tones it's a far better. But, i have read in many forums that there is a noise issue of BIAS FX 2 for some people too. I use it through Cakewalk, but i tried to use it as standalone and realized that the issue remains the same, nothing different unfortunately.

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Those kinds of devices are inherently noisy, some worse than others. Make sure you're feeding in enough level, and gain-staging properly throughout the effects chain. Also check that you don't have something that brings up the level after the distortion, like compression.

I built a little circuit to reduce peaks on guitar, so I can feed in a higher average level and get a better signal-to-noise ratio. It requires only two red LEDs. It also improves the performance of dynamics processors, like sustainers. Details on how to build it are in the article Transient Tamer DIY Project at craiganderton.org.

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Update : I partialy found a solution to noisy problem of BIAS FX 2, when i realized that when i press record button inside cakewalk, that decrease the big amount of noise.

Not at all, but with some better settings of gain - drive level etc, the result was that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxKnyJNi4YE

(p.s. as you can see my gear isn't professional , especially my cam ?).

By the way, do you guys filming via cakewalk--->voxengo recorder--->obs like me, or is there any other option to film the same time when record a song in cakewalk? any other video capture or recording sender to that (voxengo alternative maybe)?

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