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Argh! DNS Change?


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It looks like cakewalk.com renewed or made some other DNS change today. The IP address changed from 201.(something) to and made my Chrome very unhappy. I kept getting redirected to one of those generic search pages ?

Clearing the local Chrome DNS cache didn't fix it; I had to clear the Windows cache (ipconfig /flushdns). 

Strangely, Firefox didn't have any issues!?!?

Just posting in case anyone else has the same problem... of course, they won't be able to get here to read to solution ?

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CbB requires authorization roughly every 6 months. It's becoming cleaner with each passing update as we can now manage our updates and authorization from within CbB and not need to open Bandlab Assistant at all. Much cleaner. More "invisible" to the majority of users...


Hope that helps...


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Yeah, this DNS change wouldn't affect the Cakewalk application authentication. I'd guess Cakewalk contacts a bandlab.com address for that and update info. It would only affect the cakewalk.com addresses (like this forum).

I did panic a bit when it looked like the cakewalk.com address was no longer valid (Eeek!)

It does look like there was an update today, though...

Maybe it was just my machine ?


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