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Wavelore Pedal Steel Guitar V3 is coming!

Larry Shelby

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I'm super-excited to announce that some major progress is happening - Development on the 3rd generation of Wavelore's Pedal Steel Guitar (WLPS) has been going at an alarming rate, and the time has come to give you all a preview of some of the significant improvements that have been made to this already groundbreaking instrument in term of sound, sonics, and (you've been crying out for it) simplicity!

Here's a little demo and a not-so little talk on the biggest ways in which this instrument has been improved, updated, and expanded:


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  • 2 years later...

I'm a happy owner of WLPS 2.5 even though version 3 is overdue. Here's why:

Pedal Steel is a complicated instrument that requires good knowledge of music theory to play well. I had thought about buying an E9 three pedal / two lever unit but decided against it for the following reasons:

1.  Even though I'm reasonably good at finger picking on a six string there would be many, many hours of practice, especially internalizing the string groupings. 
2. I would only be using it for myself or jam sessions where many songs might not be appropriate for it
3. I'm after the vibe it brings to blues, rock and acoustic rock which I think WLPS can provide.

So, in the end I decided to listen to a lot of pedal steel, watch many hours of YouTube lessons and spend a lot of time on the tutorials Mark provided.

Over time I realized that his tutorials are a goldmine of guidance on how to translate pedal steel to keyboard. I feel just being able to go through those using WLPS was well worth the price. It didn't hurt that he threw in American Zither to ?


Edited by Doug Steinschneider
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