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Take lanes auto-grouping?

jono grant

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I have my record preferences set to "do not group tracks" yet, if I record some takes on a single track (sound on sound) they seem like they are grouped. When I slip edit one of the clips in a lane, they all slip edit with it. Though, it does let me slip edit from the end of the clips separately, in a random kind of way (some clips are grouped, some not)

Is this normal? I can't seem to find a good tutorial on take lanes/recording. I'm still used to earlier versions where it was just layers...



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Takes on a single track are not affected by "group tracks" commands. That has to do with grouping multiple tracks.  Take lanes are meant to represent separate takes of the same track and therefore generally are not independent of each other. When you select a part of one take lane it is promoted to the track and the other takes are muted in that same area.  If you move a split point on one take lane the others move with it because you are adjusting where the transition from one take to another happens. Although it is possible, generally you don't try to overlap audible parts of multiple takes on one track.

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