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Mackie MCU firmware update

Unmuzzled Music


I've just bought a second hand Mackie MCU (FW V2.1.0).   Just hoping someone may be able to tell me if it is  possible to update to V3.0  via Sysex - Midi message or do you need to buy a new chip ?     If I need to buy the chip is there any advantage in going from v2 to v3  for   CWbBL ?


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  On 2/24/2021 at 12:35 AM, Unmuzzled Music said:

I've just bought a second hand Mackie MCU (FW V2.1.0).   Just hoping someone may be able to tell me if it is  possible to update to V3.0  via Sysex - Midi message or do you need to buy a new chip ?     If I need to buy the chip is there any advantage in going from v2 to v3  for   CWbBL ?



Unfortunately, you not only need to buy the new v3.0 chip, you also need to buy new PWM chips as well, as the major change in the v3.0 firmware was how it deals with the fader calibration/sensing (the two PWM chips control the motorised faders).

Unless you've got faders that are buzzing/unable to stay in the same location, there's really no need to upgrade to v3.  There's no new functionality other than how it handles the faders.

I would however recommend upgrading to v2.1.2 via Sysex.  IIRC v2.1.0 was incredibly sluggish.



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  On 2/25/2021 at 8:43 AM, Unmuzzled Music said:

Thanks Craig
That's really helpful info.  Just out of interest - are the version 3.0  chips actually different IC's or is it just that the code is incompatible ?   I noticed the file sizes for v2.1.2 and v3.0 are the same so i am assuming the chips are the same.



Yes, the chips are the same - just incompatible code.  I think the PWM chips are actually the same too, but there's no way to change the code on them.

FWIW I found the upgrade pretty straightforward. I got the updated IC's from here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/knight-commerce?_trksid=p2047675.l2559


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