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ASIO and Voicemeeter setup



Greetings everyone!

Recently i started using Voicemeeter in my system, so that i can use ASIO without muting everything else.
Its been great so far, but I've been facing a few problems setting it up with Cakewalk, namely the driver settings.
After a lot of trial and error i managed to get it to work, retaining my ability to monitor my guitar without any noticeable stutter or crackling.
The guitar monitoring is optional, as i usually record it without monitoring anyway, but by using any other drivers i get a lot of audio glitches
But this brings me a second ASIO panel, other than the voicemeeter one, and i couldn't help but to wonder, is this optimal? I wonder as i usually can use ASIO without needing a second dedicated panel.

For context, i currently have no audio interface (i'll get one asap), so im using ASIO4ALL and plugging my guitar straight to the mobo, it is awful, i know, but i'm just working on compositions and the actual recording will happen with proper hardware.
But regardless of that, i just wanted to know if i'm not doing something wrong, and if my current settings are any good. I still don't understand voicemeeter and asio 100% so it all seems a bit confusing with CbB's device panel, as it is quite different from other programs i've setup.
Attached are pictures of my current working settings and the error i get if i try anything different on Cakewalk's panel.

Thank you for your attention and i deeply appreciate any input ;)
Have a nice day,

edit: I didn't realize the images would come up in the post, i apologize.

Screenshot 2021-02-16 142221.jpg

Screenshot 2021-02-16 142236.jpg

Screenshot 2021-02-16 142302.jpg

Screenshot 2021-02-16 142323.jpg

Edited by Mevryk
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  On 2/16/2021 at 5:47 PM, Mevryk said:

Greetings everyone!

Recently i started using Voicemeeter in my system, so that i can use ASIO without muting everything else.
For context, i currently have no audio interface (i'll get one asap), so im using ASIO4ALL and plugging my guitar straight to the mobo, it is awful, i know, but i'm just working on compositions and the actual recording will happen with proper hardware.
But regardless of that, i just wanted to know if i'm not doing something wrong, and if my current settings are any good. I still don't understand voicemeeter and asio 100% so it all seems a bit confusing with CbB's device panel, as it is quite different from other programs.



Hi, you might wanna try the configuration explained in this video
How to connect Cakewalk by Bandlab to OBS or Zoom
As explained by Bruno just select VoiceMeeter AUX 1 as input and output and it should be fine.

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I see, don't i need an ASIO capable device for that? I'm currently using the onboard realtek. Everything works great including other daws, but with cakewalk i start having some really annoying crackling and engine dropouts, if i choose any other driver, such as WDM its basically useless;
It usually works out well but on bigger projects the crackling becomes unbearable, which makes sense since i run two asio4all panels;
Voicemeeter gives me no ASIO option other than ReaRoute or Asio4all. Using WDM for my output makes it unusable;
I don't know a lot about how it works but i know i'm definitely doing something wrong :D

I would love to keep voicemeeter as it gives me more freedom to use my computer with CWbB running

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I can't get ANY sound from Cakewalk!  Everything else works fine through VB.  I have the "... not connected" thing on the output side where yours is on the input side.  I don't understand and I can't find any solution.  I've attached my screenshots for comparison.  What am I missing? 







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Your only making life complicated by using that app. It doesn’t do anything you can’t already do with your on board audio settings. 
in my signature is a link to my tutorials Watch the one on on board sound and follow the instructions and you will have sound 

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