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IK Memory V FREE Until Feb 28th!

Larry Shelby

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14 minutes ago, Fleer said:

Franco Zeffirelli’s Romeo & Juliet.

My absolute favorite movie of all time!

Famous for being written of course by the renowned Italian playwright Guglielmo Scuoterelancia.

Edited by paulo
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18 minutes ago, Magic Russ said:

With all that is messed up in the world, is it really worth getting bent out of shape because a software company is not compensating you for already having the product they are giving away?

It is what we do :(    I have a BA in it. B***h-Anonymous   Oh shoot I'm not suppose to tell you that ;)

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I 'm not getting bent, but I will say that it's rather obvious that IK's business plan is to grow by acquiring as many customers as possible by giving free stuff away to new customers.

Some other companies have realized that keeping existing customers as happy as possible brings in growth organically...

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3 minutes ago, Yan Filiatrault said:

It was already given away for free in the past. I don't see why they would need to give another freebie for those that already grab that same freebie in the past.

Let's look at it this way...you have 10,000 customers.  About 9,000 of the customers already have the plugin.  8,000 of them bought the plugin.

Now, you, as the COMPANY, decided to give away the plugin FREE, as a gesture of "kindness", but ONLY to those who don't have it.

So, 1000 customers out of 10,000 get the "something free as a gesture of kindness" and 9,000 get NOTHING as a gesture of kindness,
basically being "penalized" for "already being a customer".

Hopefully THAT will ILLUSTRATE the "WHY" as to why this is an issue.

As I've said, they basically just told ALL of their "existing customers" to F*** off...you already got one - thanks for your money and loyalty - Happy Valentines Day!!!

The fact that most people REALLY don't think these things "through" logically is frustrating.  ON BOTH SIDES.

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