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Melodyne Regions won't play

Murray Webster

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Hello peeps,

Just opened a project saved last year and the Melodyne regions won't play.

I'm sure I got them to play the other day but can't remember what I did.

Anyone come across this oddity? It's Melodyne Studio and CbB latest version.



Edited by Murray Webster
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  On 2/11/2021 at 5:28 AM, John Vere said:

Did you render the clips before saving and closing?  Do you have a paid for version? Melodyne is only a demo until you pay. If the demo expires then Un rendered clips might’ve been muted 


Thanks John. Yes, paid for and not rendered with every save.

It seems to work after rebooting my PC and then stops working when re-opening subsequently. Also lost a lot of edits this evening,

Not sure what's going on or if there is some program conflict happening...? Bizarre.


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