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Reaper update to 6.23

Larry Shelby

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51 minutes ago, Bapu said:

That might just be the smallest fix list for Reaper I've ever seen.



Version 6.22 came out a day or two before that hot fix:


Audio units: improve envelope tooltips for enum parameters

FX: fix PDC mode resetting on undo of automation edits •

FX: import of .rpl automatically disambiguates duplicate preset names within the .rpl file

Jump dialog: fix jumping to times greater than one hour when ruler is not in H:M:S:F •

Media explorer: fix preview length when dragging selected part of media item into REAPER •

Media explorer: improve behavior when browsing folders with option disabled to auto-expand directory tree [2399243]

MIDI export: improve accuracy when exporting gradual tempo changes

ReaScript: fix return value for FX_GetParameterStepSizes() on Audio Units

Render: support $region(name) wildcard when rendering via region matrix •

Render: add preference in preferences/audio/rendering to control automatic closing of the render window

Save live output: improve behavior when not in 'record only while stopped' mode

Video: improve section/reverse behavior when previewing in the media explorer

Video: improve seek behavior when previewing in the media explorer

Windows: change default worker thread behavior to reduce excessive CPU use on many-core systems

Windows: fix tooltip behavior on windows that are pinned topmost


macOS: fix video issues on Catalina/Big Sur and retina displays •

macOS: fix ReWire-related crash on Catalina

macOS: revert to older macOS SDK for Catalina build (matching 6.19)

Media explorer: fix possible memory leak when importing or previewing media with embedded transient information

Media explorer: fix waveform display when zoomed in to sample level •

Media explorer: reverse inserted media if preview playback is reversed

Render: fix potentially rendering one sample too short •

Render: fix preset loading of 2nd pass render •

Track/mixer panels: improve mouse hit testing for empty FX slots •

VST: don't show scan window when only built-in plugins are being scanned

VST: fix scanning of certain plug-ins on Windows (6.16 regression) •

Media explorer

action to open arrange view media in media explorer respects autoplay preference

add action to calculate peak volume for media files

add action to preview random file

add action to re-read metadata from media files

add action to reverse preview playback

add options to normalize preview volume and/or normalize volume when inserting media

add track number column (not displayed by default)

after deleting files, select the next file

apply volume, pitch, rate adjustments properly when inserting multiple files at once

clean up shortcut view after reordering shortcuts

clear search cache when renaming files or when new files are added

display arrow cursor over preview scrollbars on Windows

display length, sample rate, audio channels for video media

don't re-initialize column order when the a new REAPER release changes the number of defined columns

don't search bit depth/bitrate/length metadata (you can sort those columns though)

remove actions to delete folders without recycling or confirming

fix action to play previously played media (A/B test)

fix context menu action to browse to folder for search results or database entry

fix customized column order on macos

fix displayed length/bit depth for some non-standard .wav files

fix possible crash when removing a track/project that is being used for preview

if option enabled, don't auto-play when initiating drag of unselected file •

improve accessibility of context menus via application-key

improve column sorting for length and bits columns

improve context menu organization and consistency

map reverse/forward preview playback to shift+leftarrow/shift+rightarrow by default

more accurate sample drawing when highly zoomed in

preserve custom column order when docking/undocking media explorer

prevent writing multiple ID3 tags to .wav files

respect preferences to apply preview volume/pitch/rate when inserting into reaper via drag or action

restore selection after renaming file •

optionally select enclosing folder in shortcut list when browsing

show filenames that will be removed when prompting to confirm deletion

tempo adjust (approximately) visual preview length of media when dragging from media explorer

improve behavior of various media format previews going to multichannel tracks •


autosuggest text (function names, variable names) while typing

add Ctrl+R for replace (after find), Ctrl+Return to insert line after current, Ctrl+J to jump to line number

support searching backwards via Ctrl+Shift+G or Shift+F3

double-clicking a user function name jumps to the function definition

improve search function, up/down changes search modes (substring, word, token)

reduce flicker in watch lists

show viewable line range in status line

add preference for watch window update interval

remember watch-enabled state


do not show intermediate frames when seeking playback long distances

do not show intermediate frames when stopped and repositioning cursor, unless rapidly repositioning cursor

fix playing early frames when looping

fix possible parameter automation display flicker while stopped

fix timing glitch at playback start •

improve playback behavior immediately following small backwards seek

add optional project settings to have video affected by solo of other tracks, mute of parent tracks

add project setting to control where in the frame automation is evaluated •

spectrogram synthesis preset bugfixes


add actions to render stems on 2nd pass

add action to set horizontal zoom to default project setting

fix action to select take under mouse when empty take lanes are not visible •

fix capitalization of ReaScript, ReaEQ, etc in action descriptions


faster preset listing/saving/loading with large preset counts/sizes

fix JSFX/AU pin map loading when FX pin count is larger than track channel count

FX chains can be set to compensate delay per-FX (REAPER 6.19 or earlier), per-chain, or not at all

master FX chain can be set to compensate delay at the hardware-send level for improved performance

MIDI editor

add undo state when editing MIDI event properties

fix display of linear tempo changes •

fix event list delete button •

support inserting and editing port messages, though REAPER doesn't do anything with those messages


EnumerateFiles()/EnumerateSubDirectories() allow manual cache invalidation •

fix EnumerateFiles()/EnumerateSubDirectories() cache bug •

GetFocusedFX()/GetFocusedFX2() support monitoring FX

Lua gmem_attach() returns previous global memory segment name •


improve plug-in scanning status messages

add option to not scan for new/updated plug-ins on startup

preferences window lists skipped plug-ins and allows manual re-scan

reduce display update frequency when scanning filesystem

fix IContextMenu compatibility issue

Envelope panels

fix redraw glitch when TCP is wider than arrange view

fix lag in display of value text


add bit meter

change IDE behavior to use Ctrl+Shift+R to open an import line (vs Ctrl+R which is now used for search/replace)


improve listview appearance on Big Sur

Catalina/Big Sur builds are now built with the latest Apple toolchain

update table column alignment properly for multi-tab list controls (project bay, etc)

Media items

don't reset manual fades when editing item contents with auto-crossfade enabled •

fix actions to move items up/down one lane •

fix potential crash when replacing media source for multiple items with empty items in the project •


add preset support

fix decoding very large BWF start offset values •


fix pre-FX fader-scaled volume envelopes transforming MIDI incorrectly

preserve MIDI port messages when importing MIDI to multiple tracks

support RIFF-based MIDI files •

MIDI recording

don't extend existing MIDI items past the start of a following MIDI item •

fix behavior where existing MIDI item will not be extended if recording begins, but nothing is actually recorded, before the item start position

in overdub/replace mode, don't extend existing MIDI items until MIDI has actually been recorded on the track

Project bay

fix FX developer display when using multi-out VSTs

fix undo point when dragging from FX tab to project


add support for 2nd pass render

adjust 2nd pass render for resampler latency •


format as HH:MM:SS:FF rather than H:MM:SS:FF everywhere (timeline, transport, wildcards, etc)

when timeline is in H:M:S:F format, interpret user-entered H.M.S.F as H:M:S:F


add undo point including filename when using save-as to save to a new project file

display the undo point corresponding with the last save in undo history


fix importing embedded transients as transient markers •

import embedded cues properly for certain files •

list embedded cues in media source properties dialog


add $marker(name) and $region(name) wildcards, for example $marker(ISRC) will resolve to "1234" if there is a project marker named "ISRC=1234" within the rendered time range

format timecode as HH.MM.SS.FF rather than H-MM-SS-FF (saved settings in existing projects are not affected)

make help text more consistent for start/end/length wildcards (sorry, localizers)


allow longer search strings in Media Explorer •

installed executables are now signed

Automation items

fix potential crash when splitting automation item under mouse cursor •

Batch converter

add option to preserve original file metadata when possible


disable track playback offset when freezing, re-enable when unfreezing •

FX browser

improve selection behavior when renaming FX

MIDI export

improve exporting linear tempo changes •

Mouse modifiers

add modifier to move item loop section contents respecting snap


encode chapter tags in timeline order •


display formatted parameter value in REAPER envelope edit dialog


when displaying time, always show X:XX.XXX even if the last X is zero


add actions to temporarily enable looped-segment scrubbing


fix recording bug when in project/playback sync mode and gate was left enabled

Track panel

show bypassed indication for embedded FX, shift+click header to toggle bypass 

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