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Any Change In Memory Setting w/ Latest Update?


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There was an update about a week ago which I downloaded.  Since then I've been having more issues with my Scarlett interface.  After working about an hour on Cakewalk, I'll hear a loud "click" and my audio engine drops out.  It comes back if I save my work, get out of CbB and switch off the interface, wait a few seconds and turn it on again, but this never happened before the last update. 

Since I made the mistake of updating the drivers in my 6i6 (first gen) about 2 years ago, I've been having drop out issues, but they never crashed the audio engine.  Just produced little clicks and pops here and there.  I've been back and forth with Focusrite's tech support.  They really try but don't seem to really have any answers.

?John B

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