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Harrison Lemur Touch Interface FREE

Larry Shelby

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FREE: "Lemur Touch Interface"(LTI)
for Mixbus/Mixbus32C DAW
$25 Value

Get a FREE copy of the LTI - a control interface for the Lemur tablet controller. The LTI is fully featured and unlimited. This is not a demo or a trial version. This is a $25 value.

NOTE: To use Harrison's LTI, it is necessary to purchase the Lemur touch-control application from Liine using your tablet's "app store". 

Once you've installed the Lemur touch-control app, you can push Harrison's LTI interface to Lemur, and control Mixbus/Mixbus32C from your tablet using a wireless network.

Furthermore, you will be able to edit the Lemur interface using Liine's provided editor. This allows you to add, move, or remove features for your own needs.

You can find instructions for installing and using the LTI here

Get LTI Now


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Didn't we dabble with Lemur a few year ago using iPad's?  I know some members  liked it because of the coding while other liked AC-7 core HD which I still use on my iPad with CbB.    I didn't really like Lemur,  but others thought is was great for remote mixing.

Here is the Old Thread for Lemur

Here is the Thread for Lemur and AC-7   

Edited by jesse g
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I purchased a used iPad from a student at my local University so I could  use the AC-7.  I think I paid $150 at that time.

It 's rather cool to  use  your tablet to control  the entire recording  process from a  cross the room or from an other room. 


Using AC-7  HD Control



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1 hour ago, jesse g said:


I purchased a used iPad from a student at my local University so I could  use the AC-7.  I think I paid $150 at that time.

It 's rather cool to  use  your tablet to control  the entire recording  process from a  cross the room or from an other room. 


Using AC-7  HD Control



Yes, I've used my Win10 Tablet to control Studio One, Pro Tools, Cubase, and CbB...it's fun!
And it certainly makes recording EASIER when you can just set the tablet next to you and press RECORD
and stop and not have to put all your stuff down, and run over to the PC to stop the recording!

Edited by Larry Shelby
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