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Moving Izotope [Not a deal]


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Quick question because it was late last night and I'm lazy - I'm installing a new DAW PC. Do I need to uninstall my Izotope plugins or move the licenses from my old PC? i.e. iLok and Waves I just move the licenses to the cloud then reinstall...

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17 minutes ago, mibby said:

Quick question because it was late last night and I'm lazy - I'm installing a new DAW PC. Do I need to uninstall my Izotope plugins or move the licenses from my old PC? i.e. iLok and Waves I just move the licenses to the cloud then reinstall...

You may have to "deactivate" them from the current PC, depending on how many authorizations you've used.

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33 minutes ago, Larry Shelby said:

You may have to "deactivate" them from the current PC, depending on how many authorizations you've used.

I guess that was my question - how?  I looked around in the installer and didn't see an obvious way. But like I said, it was late....  ?

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3 minutes ago, mibby said:

I guess that was my question - how?  I looked around in the installer and didn't see an obvious way. But like I said, it was late....  ?

Looks like they don't allow you to deactivate...you'll just have to reinstall with the Product Portal on the new 
system.  Apparently now it just looks at your account to verify that you own them!

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1 minute ago, Larry Shelby said:

Looks like they don't allow you to deactivate...you'll just have to reinstall with the Product Portal on the new 
system.  Apparently now it just looks at your account to verify that you own them!

Yep, easy peasy!  Just install product portal and load what you want.  I've got all of my iZotope stuff on DAW and Surface Pro4 and have never had issues.

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23 minutes ago, Matthew Sorrels said:

But nothing in the portal? 

Nope, nothing. Would be a pain to go through ALL of the plugins to de-authorize too.

I just got this back from support:


iZotope's End User License Agreement permits users to activate their software up to five times. You should therefore be able to activate the software using the same email address and serial number you originally used to purchase/activate the software. 

Do note, however, that the EULA only permits one user to operate the software. If more than one person will be using the software, another license must be purchased for each user.

So, I'm just going to forget it and install on the new machine. When I start getting closer to 5 installs, I'll worry about it then...  :)

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I don't like this authorization schemes where the license is deposited in the computer disc. That's why wherever I have the option I opt to use iLok,I can install and uninstall anything and even format my HD without concerns about losing licenses. The only better alternative is when you have a serial number and can use it without asking the "bless" of the developer every time, and for a product you paid for. Of course you have to care for your iLok dongle too but they have a cheap insurance program to also alleviate this concern. It's not ideal but IMO losing your licenses in a disc crash (as already happened to me) is worse.

Edited by Sergio
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17 minutes ago, Sergio said:

Of course you have to care for your iLok dongle too but they have a cheap insurance program to also alleviate this concern.

THIS is why I don't like the dongle.  iLok got you to buy their proprietary dongle AND buy insurance on the dongle in case something happens to it?  All of this to "protect" a piece of software you bought.   Granted it sounds convenient right now, but I have already moved my Waves and iLok plugin licenses to the "cloud" and "Managed Devices" my Plugin Alliance machine.  It was relatively painless.  Of course, this is not a hard drive failure either, thank goodness!

I like that I don't have to worry about my Melda, Valhalla and Boz (others too) plugin licenses.

I'll probably just uninstall the Izotope stuff - or not. I'm starting to feel lazy again.  :)


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Since my last system reset on my laptop I am concerned about the many exotic ideas developers have to protect their software. It is a real mess!

I began then to make a list of the plugin suppliers and sometimes even individual plugins for how many autorisations are allowed and how I can reset them. It is very difficult, for some plugins I have no idea. That's why today I always look accurately at these things before buying a plugin. IMO this is the order of my preference:

  • No protection
  • A license file or key with offline usage
  • iLok
  • The possibility to withdraw autorisations on their website
  • other (I avoid this more and more)
  • Installation managers

Another reason for the order above is also that I want to be able to install and authorize plugins/software on my main DAW computer offline!

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