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Spitfire Contemporary Drama Toolkit

Larry Shelby

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If you purchased British Drama Toolkit either by itself or as part of Ton (when it was offered couple years ago) then it’s $126 until 2/11.

Sounds pretty good and haven’t fully decided yet but I’ll probably wait until 2/10 11:59pm to decide to make this the most dramatic purchase of the year....

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  On 1/21/2021 at 8:50 PM, Matthew Sorrels said:

So I spend the weekend wiring up a DIY 3 fader MIDI controller (doing the project box this weekend) and this is the first new library I buy?  A library designed to not use the mod wheel. 



Very cool!
The Arduino concept has really been revolutionary.

I still have a box of parts when I was trying to build a MIDIBOX. I could never manage to come up with a suitable enclosure. I have a lot of Panasonic 100mm motorized faders longing to come to life ;^)


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  On 1/21/2021 at 8:54 PM, Simeon Amburgey said:

Very cool!
The Arduino concept has really been revolutionary.

I still have a box of parts when I was trying to build a MIDIBOX. I could never manage to come up with a suitable enclosure. I have a lot of Panasonic 100mm motorized faders longing to come to life ;^)



I have to admit I really like this Teensy 3.2 module, it's so easy to make MIDI devices with it.  I'm sort of following this article:

But I'm using smaller faders and my box is a lot taller (so it better lines up with the height ofmy keyboard).  I've also added a three way switch (not in the photo above) so that I can have different configurations for the controllers. 

I think I've found a nifty trick to making the project box. I've got it printed out at 1:1 size but to keep the dremel in the groove I picked up a metal sewing gauge (for $1.50).  I think it may be a good guide for cutting the fader slots.  If I can clamp it down or tape it down I think it will help with making the project box.  Have to find out this weekend. 

I have morotorized faders on my keyboard but they are all in Mackie control mode (so can't drive Kontakt) and my 16 fader doepfer pocket fader is just too big to put beside the keyboard by the mod wheel.  I tried to find something like this commercially but just gave up.  So many Kontakt libraries now really need more than a mod wheel.  I have a nice expression pedal (a Moog) but it's not so easy to use.  I'm hoping a 3 fader mod wheel setup will be an improvement. 

Though I guess not for Contemporary Drama Toolkit, which just finished downloaded.  Sounds nice.  I like British Drama Toolkit, this seems like a nice addition.  And while it may not be mod-wheel based , it does seem to use the mod-wheel after all.

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