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Out With The Old... In With The New

Bobby Thistle

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Well, that's it.  It was time to retire my trusty old MIDI modules and catch up with today's technology.  I've decided to start making my music with VST's and plugins.

My old Roland JV-1010 must be at least 25 years old.  My Ketron SD-2 is a bit newer but has still become long in the tooth.  But they both served me well over the years.

I've been playing around with the plugins that come with Cakewalk over the past couple of days. and am catching on quite quickly.  I'm also having a lot of fun as I am virtually starting from scratch and learning a whole new and different way of making music.

Welcome to the game. ?

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Getting deeper into the game, you may be interested to know of the new MIDI specification to be released in the near future (I hope).


Kind regards,

Living Room Rocker

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