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Mute Bus Tracks and Sends.


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Request for a future feature to mute sends and busses when solo'ing a Track with command keys.

Like linkPFsendMute Can we get a Command (as mentioned) to mute sends and busses when solo'ing a track too? 

Alt+Shift+clicking the solo button to solo every other track and sends link to them to solo that specific track. 

I know there are producers/mixing engineers that prefer this to be on, but like them - there are some of us that prefer the sends and busses to mute when solo'ing a track.

Let's cater for both workflows. 

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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  • 3 weeks later...

There should be multiple types of solo, there's already two type - normal and exclusive.

Maybe you could right click 'em and they light up orange or something and in that mode they enter super solo mode bypassing what you said

I suppose it's similar to a PFL button on a console ?....but not quite

More options would be good though

Edited by Mark Morgon-Shaw
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