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Select everything between first and last marker in Audio Export


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When I work on a project I always add two markers. One little before the first sound in the project and one after the last sound has died out.  Before I export Audio I "Select All" in the project and then position the cursor on the first marker and select "From now" and go to the last marker and select "Through now".  

it would make this process quicker if there was a button in the Audio Export window that does just that for me. Selects everything in the project between the first and last marker.

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My thoughts: (Note: This is feature request.)
You can set special attribute to Marker as Export Start Point marker and Export End Point marker. (and these markers color may be set to different from normal markers color.) You can also set an optional time to the export start point marker and exporting starts from the set seconds before. (see pic)
CbB exports that area according to the special markers if there is not any selected area on the time ruler. (If there is specific selected area, CbB exports only selected area.)

BTW, please be able to dock the marker view into right side on the multi dock...

Special Marker.jpg

Edited by HIBI
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