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Lost Settings of Strum Session 2


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The last 2 weeks I have found lost settings of Strum Session 2 in several older CbB projects (only 1-2 years old). I suspect there are even more projects.

When I open the projects everything seems to be okay. But when I click to open the Strum Session 2 plugin on the instrument track, it shows an error message saying that it is not initialized because the settings are corrupted. It looks as if the message is from SS2 itself. Maybe it is a version problem.

Has anyone else noticed this problem, too? Is there a way to inspect the settings of a plugin in CbB?

The good thing for me is that this is an affirmation of the way I usually work. First I create the VSTi tracks in separate projects, export them as audio files and then finally create a mix-project where I import all those audio files. Like that there is no version dependency on the VSTi or the DAW and the audio files can be easily written to backups. Plus it needs less resources during the mix and also there are no audio spikes caused by VSTi round robin and randomization.

Most of the time I also write down the settings of VSTi plugins in my text file notes that I have aside from the projects (for each song). But exactly in the cases above I missed this! ?

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there just was an AAS SS2 update ( downloaded by not installed yet) a few days ago - sometimes version updates scramble previous version setting files ?  although given the files are 1-2 years old, there may have been multiple updates... maybe the directories are off a bit, or a master INI (or equiv) file needs to be reloaded... worst case setting file formats/structure has changed...

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