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McDSP EC 300 owners ?


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Hi guyz , sorry to post here but i know you guyz chill around here a lot ;)

Just got EC 300 , great plugin , after some session recalls i noticed strange stuff : bingo no sessions recall under cirucmstiances : Analog mode , delay time set to time (not note)

Tested and happen in Studio one 4.6.2 & 4.5.1 and cubase 10.5 , working great in Sonar  (windows 8.1 here) 

Can anybody double check 

Notice VST version works great BUT don't recall VST 3 settings , so and S1 don't let you have both versions in browser, if vst 3 active , no way to access the vst 2 version via browser (it should have solved my problem by using VST 2 from now and keep vst 3 for sessions recalls on other settings) 

Any help appreciated for 

1) confirming this

2) a way to have VST 3 &VST 2 showing in studio one (like we can with some brands )

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I don't have EC 300, but I do have McDSP 6030 Compressor collection (10 x Compressors)

In Cakewalk, in the past I have noticed on a few occasions when I have opened an older project  that the 6030 has lost its settings - even had the Compressor model change.

This did not happen often, and I just put it down to things like Windows updates - on Windows 10 here.



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3 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:


I don't have EC 300, but I do have McDSP 6030 Compressor collection (10 x Compressors)

In Cakewalk, in the past I have noticed on a few occasions when I have opened an older project  that the 6030 has lost its settings - even had the Compressor model change.

This did not happen often, and I just put it down to things like Windows updates - on Windows 10 here.



Yep we lost  recal from v6.3 to 6.6 ... also we lose it if it passes from VST 3to VST and vice versa .....

McDSP instead of making solid maintenance seemed to be more concerned to dev a HW / soft solution that costs an arm and that nobody use ....

I sound kinda harsh , sorry , but just found out that i already created a thread on GS about that , i should have read my own stuff before buying , i know why i skipped it at that time ....

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12 minutes ago, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

If you're having a sale, either nobody is buying or too many are buying. Guess which is the one in this case.

 McDSP are very popular so their 75% off  sale is most likely selling a lot of Plugins.    ?




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