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United Plugins Voxessor

Larry Shelby

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FWIW - I've been working on leveling vocals in my mix template for awhile now.  My 2 favorite levelers (today) are the "ALM" in Nectar 3 and Melda's MAutoVolume.


PS. I need to learn the unmasking feature!

Edited by mibby
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To get real about this, it's a different thing to be a music YouTuber than to be a narrator on a documentary, where you go into a booth and do it all in one go. 

First, Simeon uses a real microphone, which works for the kind of YouTuber he is.  I choose to use a lav.  So this means that Simeon is ahead of the game before there is a plugin, because he records better audio.   He also seems to do the whole thing at once, which I'm incapable of doing.

Second, I record at least two different ways.  One facing the camera with my computer behind me, and then facing the computer when I'm doing my stuff that shows Cubase.   The acoustics are dramatically different speaking into a big room than they are talking to the wall,  so there is always a shift in the color of thevocal sound.   

Also, sometimes I record on different days.  Even more shifts in sound.

I tried to get past this for this video by recording everything at once.  But...  I said the name wrong for the singer in the Sonuscore Ethnic Vocals phrase library every time--so I had to record tons of patches for those bits--which again, had slightly different audio qualities. 

This is the big problem for me--trying to get all the different kinds of audio working together. When I do the entire video facing forward, I don't have problems getting a good track.   Maybe Voxessor could make it better, but that's not my big problem.

Trying to get everything to work together, means fooling around with the EQ and making all of them sound not ideal in the attempt to make them blend.  In this video it ended up making them all too boomy.  They all went to the lowest common denominator.

I think the biggest challenges I'm facing are not ones that Voxessor addresses.   But maybe it could still be helpful? 

There are other issues.   95% of the time, my lav records quality audio.  But for 5% there is noise.  Voxessor won't help with this, and it is too much for RX7. 

At some point I may experiment hanging a mic over my head, off screen. 

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In this topic, while of of course I appreciate combo all-in-1 solutions, let's not to forget about possibilities like building own dedicated processors using tools like Waves StudioRack or KiloHertz SneapHeat etc...

We can just build our own design using building block as we want... More open and flexible although of course it can be much more expensive if one has no plugins of given manufacturer...

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