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Feature Request : Randomizer / Strummer

Xel Ohh

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I believe a real randomizer is needed in Cakewalk I would like this to be a feature request for the PRV. I think we need a randomizer that does different things with sliders or knobs and we should be able to see the changes are they are being made in the piano roll like you can in other DAWs below are Reaper and FL Studio humanize/ randimizer 


This will help with the quantizing, panning, humanizing, velocity and pitching of the piano roll. The CAL script that come with CbB are not user friendly you dont know what changes you made until you commit to the change and have to keep undoing and redoing until you get what you want where as if you have a slider or knob that showed the changes that you are going for it would help out alot even if it had an audition like the other midi fx so we can see what we are changing.

This same structure could be used for other midi fx like a strum midi effect would be great. If you can see what you are changing will help out and not limit the strum like the CAL script currently does would help out as well. Please take these into consideration as a feature update in cakewalk. I know many people will enjoy these added features.

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I do this with Studioware panels with CAL script programmed on some sliders.

For instance, I have a random velocity slider that, when moved, introduces random fluctuations to the velocities of select note events.  The more I move the slider up, the more the random deviations occur.

I also have a button on the same Studioware panels that, when pressed, asks for an amount of maximum deviation. This then introduces slight random fluctuations to the timings of select note events.

I have also written a CAL script that lays down slight random pitch bend events to simulate slight random pitch variations.

Even though CAL is not officially supported in the later Cakewalk version, learning CAL can greatly expand the MIDI editing possibilities in Cakewalk.

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4 hours ago, Promidi said:

I do this with Studioware panels with CAL script programmed on some sliders.

For instance, I have a random velocity slider that, when moved, introduces random fluctuations to the velocities of select note events.  The more I move the slider up, the more the random deviations occur.

I also have a button on the same Studioware panels that, when pressed, asks for an amount of maximum deviation. This then introduces slight random fluctuations to the timings of select note events.

I have also written a CAL script that lays down slight random pitch bend events to simulate slight random pitch variations.

Even though CAL is not officially supported in the later Cakewalk version, learning CAL can greatly expand the MIDI editing possibilities in Cakewalk.

Im not a person that does alot of scripting.. Wouldnt really know where to start. Thats why I requested a midi plugin to achieve these goals faster.. Cal scripts are cool I use them all the time but they are not helpful when trying to make changes and you have to undo redo all the time.. The faders or knobs would be preferred to handle alot of the actions needed like If the strumming had a slide or knob that you can see it being moved in the prv would be great instead of guessing a number of how much you want it to move... I like your idea on the random velocity thats the kind of thing im looking for but combine that with a pitch fader.. Timing fader.. Humanize fader.. Even If I could audition it would be better than commiting then have to control z and try again.


On 12/21/2020 at 2:07 PM, Kevin Perry said:

Have you tried the MIDI MFX effects?

Not sure what this is..?

On 12/21/2020 at 5:16 PM, tparker24 said:

Also check CSHumanize



I will check this out looks promising..?

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You could try the Guitar tab into Caller.

1- Select one note into the piano roll and move the time ruler somewhere along that selected note.

2- Into Caller set attack motif, strumming and mode (Yellow lists).

3- Then click on the Chord pattern (Green list ) to create that chord into Cakewalk. The patterns, like C4, etc.,  allow to create that chord differently. 


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