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Deal help. I have biab 2020. Ultra pack.

Max Arwood

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Personally I would stick with the UltraPAK  2021 upgrade, getting the Ultra+ you only gain the BIAB Song/Lesson pack.

The huge jump in price up to the Audiophile pack is because all the RealTracks are uncompressed WAV files and a few more RealTracks.

Have you thought to asked your question up on the BIAB forum, some good  experienced buyers on the forum. :) 


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I also wouldn't go for the UltraPack Plus unless you have some specific needs for the lessons and songs. 

I have never had any problem with the sound of the compressed files.  They sound great to me.  To me the best use of money on BIAB would be to buy as many PAKs as possible, if you haven't already. 

I'm not sure what you mean by " Plus pack is this included in other packs?" but certainly PGMusic makes the whole deal with their PAKs very confusing.

First, you get free bonus PAKS when you buy BIAB new or get an upgrade.   The ones that are with 2021 will never be available again.  They want to incentivize people to upgrade every year.  If you don't, there will be all these styles you won't have.  Aside from this, the upgrade price is the same if you sit out a few years.

Then they have the 10  Xtra Styles Paks,


They also sell a Bonus 49 PAK every year for $49


This year includes their first MultiStyles Pak, which otherwise sells for $19.


This is such a mess that I actually made a video on it once, but it is already out of date, because they made it more complicated this year.


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Just to show how crazy this is . 

I decided I wanted to buy the 49 Pak.   But there is no way on the site to buy it.  Tons of info about what it is, but no way to buy it.  

The 49 Pak only turns up as an option when you buy or upgrade BIAB.  So if you aren't immediately ready--bye bye.

So what I had to do was put the BIAB upgrade in my cart again, add the 49 Pak, and then delete the BIAB upgrade. 

For many years I didn't really understand what ALL these Paks were about, and that's too bad.  I bet they'd sell more if they laid it out in plain English on the home page. 

This year the 49 Pak is an especially good deal because it includes the Multistyles, which I would have bought in any case.

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  On 12/16/2020 at 10:18 AM, Reid Rosefelt said:

Then they have the 10  Xtra Styles Paks,



Be aware of the footnote:

Note: These Xtra Styles require Band-in-a-Box® version 2020 or higher and use RealTracks from the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition.

Edited by Fwrend
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