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ANA 2 Synth Cutoff goes to 20 HZ everytime I stop playback

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I don´t know if this is an issue with Cakewalk or something in my settings in ANA 2 synth. Every time I stop the playback the Cutoff 1/2 filter goes to 20.00 Hz. I set it up and go back again when I press stop playback.

I try to check if by mistake I have recorded any automation. But, I don´t see anything.

Does anyone have any idea what I am missing?


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Zero Controllers When Play Stops. If you choose this option, Cakewalk sets the controller values of the pitch wheel, the sustain pedal, and the modulation wheel on all 16 MIDI channels to zero. It also sends a “zero all continuous controllers” MIDI message which turns off other continuous controllers on newer synthesizers. If you experience frequent stuck notes when playback stops, try checking this option.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Nigel,

Thanks for the reply and the info. It certainly added some other things that I was missing in the view but didn't bring back the Event List. I tried all of the ways in the help to get it to show up including using Alt+8 but to no avail. As you can see from the screen shot of the View menu both Alt+7, Loop Construction View and Alt+8, Event List View are missing from the menu. Have they been deleted?


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Would never be removed.
Click the dropdown for Workspaces - mine syas Instruments and Bus.
Select Manage Workspaces.
Expand Views.
Switch on Event List.

You will then have it. (Whichever Workspace you are set to has switched Even List off.)
Then read up about Workspaces - they are very useful. ?


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