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It's time to record holiday songs again

John Vere

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I thought it would be fun to share ideas on messing around with Christmas music. There are 100's of midi files available so this is a good opportunity for family fun. 

I've shared the CWP file for Grandma so you can record your own version. I removed all the audio. 

For the video I'm actually playing live along with the backing track as it is below. I drop the videos ( I used 3 cameras) into Movie Studio Plat 14 and then I add the audio from my Tascam DR 40 which records a board mix to get the vocals and guitar and I also add the the backing track to beef up the mix. 

I had to change the bass and drum VST's so to the SI instruments so anyone can play it. I realized I forgot to replace the piano part so if you don't have AD Keys use any piano. AD keys is free by the way. I have the full version but the demo is the same minus a few upper and lower octaves. 

Granma Got run over.cwpFetching info...

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Here's a few links I've gleaned a few songs from.


https://www.midiworld.com/search/?q=christmas carols







Just be warned they will open in Media Player and sound kinda lame. But the midi file will be in your download folder.  

You can set Widows to open the midi file in Cakewalk. Use the "open With" dialog. 

You can make Cakewalk automatically insert TTS-1 by going to Preferences/Midi /Devices/Output uncheck all boxes.  

When choosing midi files look for the ones with a bigger file size. This implies more instruments have been used. Some are very bad and just a piano part played poorly with bad timing. Half the fun is looking for a good version of the song you want. 

Below are some more that I had worked on. I think they were all done in Home Studio so should be already to roll in the CbB basic world. 

Begining to look.cwpFetching info... BlueChristmas.cwpFetching info... Frosty_The_Snowman.cwpFetching info... Have_Yourself_A_Merry_Lit.cwpFetching info... here-comes-santa-claus.cwpFetching info...

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