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Trying to understand articulation maps


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I'm using Native Instruments' Strummed Acoustic. Like other NI virtual guitar instruments, Strummed Acoustic features a bundle of articulations organized in what they call songs. Campfire, Country, Folk, etc. Each has a series of articulation strumming patterns designed to work well together. However, and this seems like a big however where time-saving articulation maps are concerned... 

The articulation key switches  change depending on what song you have loaded. For instance, if you load Campfire, C2 has a pattern for that song.  But if you switch songs to, say, Country, all the articulation strum patterns associated with the key switches change. Bottom line is: there is not a static set of articulations for the instrument.

Given that, would I need to create ArtMaps for each and every song-set of articulation patterns?  One for Campfire, one for Country, etc? Am I thinking about this right? Thanks. 

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I'll preface my response by saying I don't own Strummed.

I did some googling and did find this text in a Strummed manual: "102 patterns are grouped across 31 'songs', but each of its eight keyswitched slots can be loaded with any one of them".

Given that statement I agree with your last paragraph, that you would need to create an Artmap for each and every song-set.  Hopefully there are some you use more frequently that you can prioritize. 

Hopefully you might discover some underlying consistency to leverage, some "method to the madness".  The wildcard here is Strummed combines articulations with playing patterns.  Most articulation maps describe a flat structure or a more complicated tree structure.  Strummed seems to require a X by X grid which really explodes the number of artics.

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Thanks, Steve. Kinda what I was afraid of! ? yes, would definitely prioritize which song-grouped articulations I spend time mapping. In the case of all the Native Instruments guitars, the song-grouped  strumming patterns ARE the keyswitch artics. 

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