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Eventide Omnipressor Is FREE This Cyber Monday(EXPIRED)

alex satt

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  • alex satt changed the title to Eventide Omnipressor Is FREE This Cyber Monday(EXPIRED)

A small music retailer makes a mistake that may cost them money (the developer may expect the retailer to pay at their agreed upon rate for each of the licenses that went out).  Consequently, my hope is that, while people may have downloaded the plugin without realizing the retailer made a mistake, that now that they realize that it was a mistake, that they do the right thing and not keep it -- perhaps, contact the retailer and ask them what's the best course of action (if they say they worked things out and you can keep it, you can keep it with a good conscience, and perhaps, keep them in mind for future business). Otherwise, once you're aware that the plugin was only given away free due to a mistake, it would be opportunistic to keep it. Things are tough enough with the pandemic, we can at least be decent to one another. 

I realize that my simple post calling for people to do the right thing isn't going to be popular, but I still think it's important to have a reminder up.  Ethics still matter, even when no one is looking.

[Edited for clarity.]

Edited by PavlovsCat
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1 minute ago, PavlovsCat said:

When a small music retailer makes a mistake that may cost them money, it's really disappointing to see how many people are opportunists ready to take advantage of the mistake. I realize that a small point to be decent isn't going to be popular, but I think it needs to be said. Ethics matter. 

It was originally posted as "Free", so we responded and took the offer.  It wasn't until MUCH LATER that we even realized
that it was an "error" on their part.  No one "took advantage" of the seller "intentionally".  We accepted an offer that we believed was
being given "free", and it was in good faith.  That certainly is not "taking advantage of the vender", or being an "opportunist"!

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Indeed. Many freebies to be had these days, so I entirely understand people took the offer, as I would have too. By the way, Pluginfox themselves post in this forum and many of us have already bought from them, so getting this freebie in good faith is pretty much okay. 

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@cclarry, of course, it wasn't opportunistic to download it when it seemed intentionally free, but once we all discovered that it was only free due to an error by the retailer, certainly, keeping/installing it after that is the very definition of opportunistic. In essence, it's saying,"Tough luck, your mistake got me it free!"

Anyhow, again, I realize I won't win many people who grabbed the plugin when it was free over with my point, but it's a very basic ethical point. If someone makes a mistake and you take advantage of it, that person is literally the very definition of an opportunist. (I'm actually using literally literally!). 

Anyhow, I'll stop there. I just hope that some people decide to NOT to take advantage of the mistake. That's all. I've always enjoyed this forum and how people tend to be lighthearted and pretty kind to one another. I don't want to bring it down, I just wanted to step in with a POV on a thread where I think we can all do better.  I love freebies. But I would not be okay with this situation. The right thing to do is to contact the retailer to ask or just delete the download. It's what we would all want if we were in the retailer or the developer's shoes. Mistakes happen. We hope that when we mistake that others will not take advantage of us. I'm just saying, let's do that to this retailer. It's not like they're Amazon.  Small mistakes can impact small retailers in a way that would be nothing to a big retailer. I'm sure the total annual sales of that store don't add up to a rounding error for Sam Ash.  

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51 minutes ago, PavlovsCat said:

cclarry, when you find out that it was a result of an error, a mistake, yet you still go forward with redeeming it, it's clearly being an opportunist to say, "Tough luck, your mistake got me it free." This is very basic ethics, not anything complex. I realize I won't win people who grabbed this over with my point, but it's a very basic ethical point. If someone makes a mistake and you take advantage of it, you are literally the very definition of an opportunist.

If the retailer wants to remove the license from anyone you can be assured they can.  The ilok system that most of us have paid extra money to use these manufacturer plugins in the first place makes it super easy to revoke those seats.

Go to the eventide authorization how to documentation page.  There is a section on how to redeem if you got a product free.   Point being they do give this stuff away with enough frequency to have a public write up.  They didn't mail out a $2k compressor, they delivered software that is of frankly limited value and they even setup an easy process to revoke licencing if they feel it is worth the bad taste on the consumer end to do so.  

If you look up an actual definition of opportunist, you will notice there is frequently a section after the exploitation part that says this was done without being guided by consistent principles or plans.  You can't tell anyone that the group here doesn't live by a consistent principles of find deal, share deal, redeem deal.  This is the guiding principle of many of us.  So by the very nature if a deal is posted it is to be acted upon.   Thus calling any of us opportunists isn't an accurate use of the term.

This "mistake" also likely got them more foot traffic than they have ever seen in a day and more awareness of the product on the market.  

Ethical or not, I can't imagine the company is out anything financially other than the time to clean up the error with customers, eventide and ilok.  Or in an extreme case future business dealings with the same company if they consider you a liability for mistakes in the future.  


(and no, I didn't even have an opportunity to grab it, seems like it might have only been a few minutes of free for all).  



Edited by Brian Walton
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1 hour ago, PavlovsCat said:

cclarry, when you find out that it was a result of an error, a mistake, yet you still go forward with redeeming it, it's clearly being an opportunist to say, "Tough luck, your mistake got me it free." This is very basic ethics, not anything complex. I realize I won't win people who grabbed this over with my point, but it's a very basic ethical point. If someone makes a mistake and you take advantage of it, you are literally the very definition of an opportunist.

Anyhow, I'll stop there. I just hope that some people decide to NOT to take advantage of the mistake. That's all. 

its just a compressor. looking through their manual, its apparently the oldest one eventide released. i think eventide and pluginfox will survive. i will try to find a deal on plugifox to buy from them if they offer something decent.

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The cost of this mistake on the part of the dealer may be that Eventide will charge them full wholesale for each license. Eventide may cut them a break and wave it off, and in that case their cost is that anyone who got the plug-in and who would otherwise have paid for a license now will not.

Have Plug-In Fox or Eventide announced that they made an error? If not, then how does anyone know that it was an error? Did they tell Tomislav so? Maybe it was a stealth promo made to look like a mistake so that software deal aggregators and "insiders" like Larry and BPB would talk up both the site and Eventide. This thread is now up to 2 pages, sitting at the top of the Deals subforum every time someone posts. I didn't know Plug-In Fox existed, and now I'm curious to see what they offer that my main vendor, Plugin Boutique, doesn't.

In this one post, I've typed the names of both companies at least twice. I have a pile of licenses that Eventide have flowed me over the years starting with UltraChannel (which includes an Omnipressor module). When they announced the introductory deal on EQuivocate I pounced on it knowing that their stuff is top quality. I've spent hundreds of dollars on software from companies that I learned about via their free promotions (most notably Meldaproduction with their FreeFXBundle).

It amounts to advertising for both Plug-In Fox and Eventide. If it was a mistake, well, mistakes happen and now they know to harden their procedures against making them in the future. Also, everyone now knows that the companies involved will honor their deals, no matter.

Edited by Starship Krupa
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In isolation, as a matter of principle, PavlovsCat is obviously correct, it is opportunist behavior. Does it matter? We are all at least somewhat opportunistic, for simply using this forum. It's not like we're doing sophisticated due diligence before a purchase, to make sure, for example, that there's no dumping involved that harms the industry as a whole.

In practice, there are levels to everything, and we live in a sea of grey. In this particular case, for all the reasons already pointed out, I'd say it's a pretty light shade of grey. Made even lighter by the fact that it's Larry who caught a lucky break ?



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