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Garritan Personal Orchestra - Trumpets not responding to velocity automation

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I have an orchestral project in Cakewalk by Bandlab which uses the Garritan PO for all instruments. I have just replaced most of the brass instruments as I had the Project SAM brass instruments in there and for some reason they do not appear to be generating any sound apart from the Tuba (another mystery!)

The trumpets are too strident during most of the piece so I have tried to reduce their output by reducing their velocity in the automation window but they do not change volume - this work perfectly well in the strings and timpani where I have automated velocity previously.

Any ideas most welcome! 

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I'll apologize in advance if you already know this stuff... some people who are new to GPO aren't aware of some of the quirks ?

Most of the instruments in GPO use Modulation (CC1) to control their volume. Velocity generally controls the attack of the note. There are some exceptions (GPO is not known for consistency ?). For example, the key-switched SAM brass instruments don't use velocity at all; their attack is modified by a knob (usually CC73).  The keyboards and percussion instruments DO use velocity to control their volume, but virtually all the strings, brass, woodwinds, etc. use Modulation (CC1).

Double check that Modulation (CC1) is higher than zero for the tracks that aren't producing sound. Either wiggle the Mod Wheel on your keyboard, or manually insert a CC1 event at the beginning of the track, or add an automation lane to the track, set to Modulation, and drag the first node up.

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