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Set Measure/beat at Now issue - some strange stretching occur?


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I have a project where midi was imported, and project happend to be at 120 bpm.
Then I imported an audio track, and found when that plays together they don't match correct tempo.
Figured this is perfect for just saying to Cakewalk - Set Measure/Beat at Now thingy.
I locked audio clip in position/data so would not be affected.

What I expected was
- a node would be inserted keeping 120 bpm from that spot onwards, but adjust tempo from previous node up to Now as something else that make chosen measure end up there.
- no other thing should happend to midi
- in this way I figured I could line up project tempo so audio and midi align.

What happends is
- a node is inserted in tempo map, lets say 133 bpm before BUT then also makes it 133 from that point, AND ON TOP also stretch midi so it will sound as played before this operation but saying 133 bpm.
- so you now have same tempo before and after that Now pos - not what I wanted

Since midi is now stretched to some other tempo as played and I could not just adjust tempo node to play midi as it were, but to tempo from node at Now.

I don't get what kind of situation this should happend?
How should this midi align with anything?

Manual describes as you should be able and go through a freely made recording with no notice of project tempo from start.
How can this possibly happend?

Both StudioOne and Cubase has really smooth operations for this
- you just set midi clip to timebase time so not affected
- then an operation lets you drag any measure boundary on timeline like a rubber band as you wish and drop at any midi note.
- when done you just unlock clip and the midi there is the same
- midi is never altered itself, just plays according to new tempo

I thought at first Cakewalk approach would be much simpler and better if it worked like I expected at top in post.
And it would be if just adjusted tempo up to Now - not after Now and also stretch everything after Now to a tempo you don't want anyway.

With clip aligned to grid, I thought I just continue and adjust tempo node from Now as inserted, to make midi align with audio - but now that was stretched to did not work.

It's a small embryo for a song idea, so I remake it - just wondered over how this operation really should work for future reference?
- Why is it adjusting tempo after Now to new tempo before Now??????
- and to do that is also stretch everything midi after Now

If you want to slide measure/beats to align - before the chosen point would be enough, or?
- you sort of move a measure boundary to another position in time, why adjust things after as well?

Thanks for an alternate idea how to do this?

And what situation did you successfully use this Set Measure/Bat at Now - what was the situation you solved?
I saw in Sonar Artist 2015 was the same, so been like this forever.


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