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the Wild Animals

bats brew

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ok, number 4 mix i've posted on this one.

this is unmastered.

my issues with this nearly final mix,
is i think the vox is too hot.

if i bring the vox down overall,
the rhythms sit better, bass and drums lock in better..
or, just leave everything alone, and bring up the rhythms only?

as it is, i tend to want to bring everything else up,
which is kinda backwards thinking!! LOL,
what do you think?

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DON'T TOUCH IT !! Very well mixed and the vocal sounds good to me. Lyrics work really well and metered to a tee. If you alter this mix something else will become a pain, there's gonna be conflicts here but if this was one'o'mine I'd be made up for what that's worth  ... so thanks ( at last ) for the post .

All the best


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Really enjoyed listening to this one. Very entertaining lyrics, tight performances and great vocal work.

I don't feel qualified to offer advice about the mix -- I don't work in this genre at all. FWIW,  nothing in the mix distracted or detracted from my listening experience in the slightest.



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On 3/11/2019 at 12:42 PM, SPAK said:

DON'T TOUCH IT !! Very well mixed and the vocal sounds good to me. Lyrics work really well and metered to a tee. If you alter this mix something else will become a pain, there's gonna be conflicts here but if this was one'o'mine I'd be made up for what that's worth  ... so thanks ( at last ) for the post .

All the best


ha! don't touch it....


man, that'd be so easy!


thanks for the vote of confidence!

i wont tweak this much more


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I have to agree with SPAK above  --- "DON'T TOUCH IT !!"  Thelonious Monk once advised an up and coming jazz singer to not focus so much on being perfect but concentrate on putting her emotion and style into the songs that she was doing.  You certainly have achieved putting emotion and style  into your song.  It sound great.

Edited by freddy j
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On 3/11/2019 at 7:07 PM, Amicus717 said:

Really enjoyed listening to this one. Very entertaining lyrics, tight performances and great vocal work.

I don't feel qualified to offer advice about the mix -- I don't work in this genre at all. FWIW,  nothing in the mix distracted or detracted from my listening experience in the slightest.



hi amicus!

glad you dig this one... 

and super cool you checked it out even if it's not your thing!

i appreciate that

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Like a few others have said, it's not my 'genre' either, but, I believe in giving credit where credit is due.

I thought the lyrics and vocals were great. That's not to say the rest wasn't extremely tight and focused, but in the world I come from, I'd tend to bring the vocals up rather than down. Or, more likely, leave the vocals alone bring the rest down some. Just a bit. Maybe I'm getting too old, but I had to strain to catch those lyrics and they're quite good. So is the singer. I'd go the opposite way to what you're suggesting.

Still though, it's a great effort, (and that's coming from someone who's completely out to lunch when it comes to alternative rock).

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Just for clarification, all these are real instruments, correct? Cakewalk comes into play simply to record audio tracks, but everything else is done through instruments, hardware effects, pedals etc, right? Cakewalk being used only as a multitrack recorder on this mix

Edited by Michael Martinez
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On 3/11/2019 at 7:14 PM, Johnbee58 said:

Very dynamic.  In fact, it totally kicks ass!  I'm not big on this genre, but I must admit, you held my attention and in a good way.

?John B.

HEY JOHN B! thanks for listening....

even tho it's kind of a straight ahead rock thing, i tried to make it 'dynamic' like you say, i think part of that ability to be dynamic, is simply not crushing it with mastering.

when i DO master this, i'll only bring the volume up about another 2db, and that's it.

if you want i LOUD........... turn that dial that says 'volume'.


On 3/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Lynn said:

Don't tweak this much more...

ok lynn! no more tweaking.....


oh wait, i tweaked it last night!

oh crap.....

no going back now! LOL



On 3/12/2019 at 3:40 PM, freddy j said:

I have to agree with SPAK above  --- "DON'T TOUCH IT !!"  Thelonious Monk once advised an up and coming jazz singer to not focus so much on being perfect but concentrate on putting her emotion and style into the songs that she was doing.  You certainly have achieved putting emotion and style  into your song.  It sound great.

hi freddy!

theolonious monk, now THERE is a name that does not get dropped around here very often!!

that sentiment he describes,

i definitely can relate to that.

when i record my stuff, i spend a good amount of time working out the demo stage......but when i go for what i call "keeper tracks", i try to let go of all the practice and 2nd guessing, and just let it go. i always hope that comes across in my stuff.

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23 hours ago, daryl1968 said:

Hi Bats

I heard the first version. This sounds really nicely mixed and the vocal sits perfectly in there to my ears.

Don't mess with it!

hey daryl, so glad you checked this one out... you have such a good arrangement style, and i've been trying to dial mine back a bit,  so nice to get feedback on it from you, thanks!




22 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Add my vote to the leave it alone camp @batsbrew.  The only thing I will add is this ??

ok wookiee! i can imagine if anything tickled your inner hairy ears wrong, you'd tell me!

it's great getting feedback on playback from all these different systems i know you guys listen on....



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21 hours ago, Sailor55 said:

Like a few others have said, it's not my 'genre' either, but, I believe in giving credit where credit is due.

I thought the lyrics and vocals were great. That's not to say the rest wasn't extremely tight and focused, but in the world I come from, I'd tend to bring the vocals up rather than down. Or, more likely, leave the vocals alone bring the rest down some. Just a bit. Maybe I'm getting too old, but I had to strain to catch those lyrics and they're quite good. So is the singer. I'd go the opposite way to what you're suggesting.

Still though, it's a great effort, (and that's coming from someone who's completely out to lunch when it comes to alternative rock).

hey sailor!

i so dig it, that you guys that really aren't into this kind of stuff, are giving it a shot!

i mean, even if you step out of the musician/singer category, and just look at it from a production point of view, it's very valuable to me, so thank you.

i did tweak the vox more last night, and decided they needed to be a bit brighter, just to bring them forward just a touch, so this should help with some 'intelligibility'......!

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16 hours ago, Michael Martinez said:

Just for clarification, all these are real instruments, correct? Cakewalk comes into play simply to record audio tracks, but everything else is done through instruments, hardware effects, pedals etc, right? Cakewalk being used only as a multitrack recorder on this mix

heheh, michael, i had to chuckle just a bit.....

i mean, it's a straightforward question for sure,

but IF you can find ANYONE who is playing canned sounds and making them sound like THIS.......


i wanna hear it!



LOL...... yes, all real instruments, recorded in real time.

the only thing that is 'canned' is my superior drummer drum tracks,

and all of those i write from scratch, so in a way, they aren't really canned either.

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Oh ... so in your song the drums are not real? Softsynth drums? I'll needto listen to the track again.

37 minutes ago, batsbrew said:


but IF you can find ANYONE who is playing canned sounds and making them sound like THIS......


Actually ... there is ... if by canned you mean non-real instruments... There's a dude who, in the 1980s, started doing everything in synths/computers and paid a lot of attention to engineering his guitar sounds, with outstanding results. He works under the name progtronic:


This particular album ^^^ I believe was recorded in the early 1990s. He seems to have a very prolific output. I'm not real familiar with his stuff other than just know a little of the history and have one of his albums.

I believe he's still active in music forums on the internet.

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9 minutes ago, Michael Martinez said:


Actually ... there is ... if by canned you mean non-real instruments... There's a dude who, in the 1980s, started doing everything in synths/computers and paid a lot of attention to engineering his guitar sounds, with outstanding results.

hey, thanks for posting that... it's an impressive sound for sure (requiem) but to me, still feels totally like someone playing a keyboard triggering guitar samples...

it's very stiff, does not have a 'real' feel to it, doesn't really talk to me.

i know i like derek sherinian's guitar-like riffs and tones, he just kills it! but never feels like a real guitar, tho to a casual listener, it would never matter.



toontrack  Superior Drummer 3 (what i use) uses extremely well-recorded 24 bit drum samples that are triggered by midi info, it's a wonderful drum program,  find out more here:


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