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Mary Contrary

Douglas Kirby

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Your song from the 90's   -  I've got those, too!  Ah, the classics.  Love your vocals. The guitar flanged out has got a tuning issue, unless you want it really psychadelic, in which case, you are there. 


More importantly, you seem to be a consistently good songwriter, I don't remember hearing any duds.  Nice job!



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Hi Doug - I hope you are well.

Love the groove and your choice of chords. As Tom says there is a bit of a tuning issue but I think you get away with it.

Backing vocal ahh's sound the shizzle and you just use them enough.

I'm trying to work out what the solo instrument is....

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bjornpdx - I'm glad you liked the song - thanks for listening.

garybrun - Thanks for your comments and for listening.

emaraldsoul - I appreciate your comments - thanks for listening. Since a couple of you mentioned out of tune guitars - I'm surprised - I thought they were spot on - maybe too much of the flanger is being used on them - I thought it sounded cool - like you say psychedelic.

daryl1968 - Thanks for your comments and for listening.  The lead instrument is a flute from Dimension Pro - I think the Garritan Pocket Orchestra.

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Hey, Douglas,

This is a really cool song with a vintage late 60's psychedelic vibe!  It kind of reminds me of something by Donovan.

Good songwriting and concept, great vocals and BGVs and a nice clean mix.  Yep, I think Tom's right about the slightly over-flanged guitar, but it really isn't that noticeable except on certain notes during the flute melody lines, especially the notes that hold.  Come to think of it, I remember on the old forum, a lot of discussion about Dim Pro always being slightly out of tune, so an easy fix might be to send the midi to another flute synth to see if it's more in tune.  It could just be Dim Pro slightly out, clashing with the flanged guitar.  Either way, cool song with a classic flavor!?

"The Gentle Hours of Evening" that comes after it on Soundclick is fantastic, definitely one of my favorites of yours!?

Have a good one, Douglas!

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Hi Doug.  This is a cool and interesting song.  It does indeed have a psychedelic feel to it.  I have no suggestions to add that haven't been addressed above.  It does grab ones attention and I really enjoyed listen to it.  Thanks for posting it.

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