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Black Friday Help


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7 hours ago, Pseudopop said:

I keep forgetting what this topic is about, see it listed and click on it thinking it's about some kind of support group for people with GAS.


Duh moment for me right here....

I saw this post and thought ... ok that's funny in reference to the Amy video.
Then I went back to the topic listings and there at the top "Black Friday Help" and it hit me...

It was only then that I realized what probably everyone else saw! And finally understood the relation of the Amy video!! Duh!!


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8 hours ago, Pseudopop said:

I keep forgetting what this topic is about, see it listed and click on it thinking it's about some kind of support group for people with GAS. This was like the tenth time it happened. My subconscious is telling me something, I think.

It is! This is definitely to support someone with gas. Enablers we are, support me must. 


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This has come to an end.

This is the easiest way to let all those that participated in this to know that I will get to each of you in the next day or two with the details.

To Larry, I will contact you soon.

Again, a mountain of thanks to all that made this happen!! It has far exceeded what I originally thought. :)  

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  • 2 weeks later...


This post was 12 pages deep when I searched for it this morning.

I think Larry's fingers are about to fall off after posting all the deals he's been finding this last week or two leading into Black Friday.

Super THANKS to the King!!!   Larry, you're outdoing yourself!

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