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Toontrack Holiday Sale - Up to 40% off

Larry Shelby

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Death & Darkness is massive (180 Gb) and massively good.  I won't be going back to the core library any time soon if ever.  Death is perfect for metal genres (and others) but Darkness is really flexible.  I ran a few of my NI Kontakt jazz MIDI files past a couple of the kits and the ghost notes and soft touches on cymbals were exquisite.  No brushes but if you don't need them, it could work for jazz, too.  Best drum VST library I have, and that's coming from a long-time BFD3 fanboy.  I still prefer some of those kits to SD3 but the flexibility of the UI means BFD3 doesn't get used much either.

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6 hours ago, Mark Stow said:

Death & Darkness  OR Metal Machinery, which do you guys prefer. I should jump on one of these sweet deals...

No personal experience yet but I'm going to quote what rdubu says about D&D at vdrums forum:


I actually picked it up over the weekend... It’s a fantastic library. The detail and depth of the samples, number of articulations per instrument, and mixes are all top notch. You can absolutely tell that Toontrack is really putting a lot more into their SDX’s this year. Between this, Decades, and Orchestral, it’s been a very solid year for them...

I would say that for those looking for a little more punch out of their kicks and toms - this is a solid winner. Decades has some fantastic classic kits with some really timeless tone and warmth, but it was definitely lacking some of the newer kit samples and has a softer attack profile in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I think Decades is a great library too, but for my tastes, I think this has a more Metal/Rock/Pop vibe sample wise. Ideally, I’ll pick up Decades at some point and will likely layer samples from Decades and D&D for a full and punchy sounding modern kit.

As an additional note, pretty much all of the cymbals are winners. 8 articulations on the rides and 27 on the hihats make for some really good lead hand work. And all of the crashes, splashes, chinas, and stacks sound great in my opinion.

For anyone on the fence, I would absolutely consider this a great library expansion to SD3 and I certainly wouldn’t be concerned that it’s a one dimensional “death metal only” library. It’s very versatile.

That's pretty much in line with what everyone's saying, so I bought it. I picked up Metal Machinery too because it was cheap and people seem to think it too contains some good sounds, so it gives me some more options to build the kits, even if it is an older and smaller (3 GB) library.

On a related note: I've searched the past deals and it doesn't look like SD 3 is on sale very often, if ever. Also, the USD is cheap-ish at the moment, so if I bought it now from a dollar shop like JRR (no offense intended) I would save about €30 compared to what it might cost later when the exchange rate gets better.

Do you guys think there might be a sale later this year, or should I just bite the bullet and wreck my personal finances* like I always do during BF and holiday sales? ?

*) Not really. I have GAS but I'm sure I have it managed. For sure. Yup.

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On 11/1/2020 at 1:31 PM, Grem said:

Damn! There's three EZX I want!!!

Big Rock Drums

Bob Rock Drums


Grem, take a listen to the Indie Folk EZX. I have that and the Blues EZX and they are very similar but I would take the Indie Folk if I could have only one. The Big Rock Drums is really good.

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6 hours ago, mcmd said:

Any thoughts on how  Death & Darkness would work for Rock, Blues and modern Conuntry /Pop? I know there are separate packs for these genres, just wondering if D&D could cover them convincingly also.

Do to the depth of SDX's, just about any kit would work given the proper tweaking...
A drum kit can be "tuned" to whatever you're doing...

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I did some browsing yesterday and found an UK store selling Superior Drummer 3 Orchestral Edition on ebay for £370, or about 412 euros. SD3 is 369 euros at Best Service, so that's like getting the Orchestral Percussion SDX for little over 40 euros (normally 249 euros). You can get the Orchestral Edition for 529 euros at Best Service, but that's still almost 120 euros more.

Needless to say I bought it. Got the serial today, registered it without problems and I'm currently downloading the libraries.

Here's the link in case someone's interested: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/233220886348

Edited by Pseudopop
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On 11/3/2020 at 3:19 AM, Pseudopop said:

No personal experience yet but I'm going to quote what rdubu says about D&D at vdrums forum:

That's pretty much in line with what everyone's saying, so I bought it. I picked up Metal Machinery too because it was cheap and people seem to think it too contains some good sounds, so it gives me some more options to build the kits, even if it is an older and smaller (3 GB) library.

On a related note: I've searched the past deals and it doesn't look like SD 3 is on sale very often, if ever. Also, the USD is cheap-ish at the moment, so if I bought it now from a dollar shop like JRR (no offense intended) I would save about €30 compared to what it might cost later when the exchange rate gets better.

Do you guys think there might be a sale later this year, or should I just bite the bullet and wreck my personal finances* like I always do during BF and holiday sales? ?

*) Not really. I have GAS but I'm sure I have it managed. For sure. Yup.

Yeah I’m very interested too, saw in 2016 that Superior Drummer 2 had a 70% off sale but can’t see anything for SD3. Have there been any? I think I might have to go BFD as £300+  For SD3 is too much for me at the moment

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