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Nils Schneider has released free Nils' K1v Kawai K1 emulation for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Larry Shelby

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I really like this emulation.  Crazy that’s it’s free and now officially approved by kawai which is pretty cool for the developer.  Definitely worthy of a donation. Who knows maybe he’ll do multi-mode someday :)

He tracks his progress/journey in his blog if you like that kind of thing. 


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16 hours ago, msmcleod said:

I've still got both a K1 & K1R - this is a pretty accurate emulation.

Pity it doesn't do Multi-mode tho - some of the stacked sounds were pretty good :(


Can you not just fudge this with multiple instances either in separate tracks or something like BlueCat's Patchwork?  More tedious, for sure...

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12 minutes ago, Kevin Perry said:

Can you not just fudge this with multiple instances either in separate tracks or something like BlueCat's Patchwork?  More tedious, for sure...

I guess so, but AFAIK you can't import the multi patches from a sysex file... so using my existing sounds will be tricky. I'd have to export them as individual patches, then mess around with the volume balance & panning manually.

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