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JRR Shop

Larry Shelby

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10 hours ago, InstrEd said:

How is it that Larry is gone and JRRshop is hmm...,,,,,,,      how shall I say it. Having troubles again.  Lar fess up. You are JRRshop ?

Hmmmm.........so if I'm reading this right, we're thinking that Jesus is the untouchable relative of the owner, like maybe his son or something, and that Larry is really the owner .......

Which means that Larry is the father of Jesus.............

Which means...........

Oh man, this is HUGE!!!!!




Does Not Exist.


Mind Blown.

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JRR Shop is in somewhat down territory again presently. It did appear to be back to normal briefly a few mins ago, during which time I attempted a purchase, but to no avail. The checkout process was broke as a joke, failing several times to complete just short of completing the final step. And then the site went back to being unusable again.

Following this discomforting recurrent failed checkout experience I feel compelled to strongly advise avoiding attempting to purchase anything via the JRR Shop website presently, even if the site returns to appearing functional again. Having said that, I don't know how contacting JRR's directly to get a purchase done would go. 


Edited by Cat Schrodinger
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5 hours ago, Cat Schrodinger said:

JRR Shop is in somewhat down territory again presently. It did appear to be back to normal briefly a few mins ago, during which time I attempted a purchase, but to no avail. The checkout process was broke as a joke, failing several times to complete just short of completing the final step. And then the site went back to being unusable again.

Following this discomforting recurrent failed checkout experience I feel compelled to strongly advise avoiding attempting to purchase anything via the JRR Shop website presently, even if the site returns to appearing functional again. Having said that, I don't know how contacting JRR's directly to get a purchase done would go. 


Contacting him directly worked like a charm during the great crash, I done it a couple of times.

I had an experience like yours where everything went fine until the very end, where it just shit itself. I didn't receive any purchase stuff from JRR, but it was shown in both PayPal and CC or Bank account whichever I used at the time. I contacted JRR support and they had it sorted in no time, a little stressful, but all good in the end.

Personally I wouldn't and don't hesitate to purchase from JRR, that may change if I have a bad experience, but been using JRR for many years a no real issues.

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3 hours ago, Fret Flintstone said:

Contacting him directly worked like a charm during the great crash, I done it a couple of times.

I had an experience like yours where everything went fine until the very end, where it just shit itself. I didn't receive any purchase stuff from JRR, but it was shown in both PayPal and CC or Bank account whichever I used at the time. I contacted JRR support and they had it sorted in no time, a little stressful, but all good in the end.

Personally I wouldn't and don't hesitate to purchase from JRR, that may change if I have a bad experience, but been using JRR for many years a no real issues.

Thanks for following up with this reassuring reply. I hope the wording of my post wasn't too seemingly overreactive. My concern was that each of my several near-complete but essentially failed checkout attempts might still have been resulting in an erroneous expensively excessive set of transactions. In retrospect, persisting after each fail may have been a little foolhardy. Incidentally, it turns out no transaction activity involving JRR eventuated.

For as long as I've been buying audio software JRR has always been a favourite when either browsing or purchasing. Thinking back, I've had contact with support there only once. On that ocassion a few years back Uncle E replied to a support request email within very short time with a better than hoped for outcome. I recall being rather impressed at the time. As for today's case, the item being sought was likely going to return from sale price to regular price soon and it was outside JRR's contact hours, so I turned elsewhere. In the end I was able to get Izotope MPS3 upgrade from MPS1 for $268 at Plugin Discounts, as opposed to the $255 that it would've been at JRR.

I look forward to seeing the JRR webshop back in reliably good health in the hopefully not too distant future!

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Yah, I'm officially done posting them until Uncle E gets his shit together and fires whoever is working on his site. Years of constant issues with that site should have been the first clue but if their security is compromised, that is unacceptable.

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1 hour ago, Batwaffel said:

Yah, I'm officially done posting them until Uncle E gets his shit together and fires whoever is working on his site. Years of constant issues with that site should have been the first clue but if their security is compromised, that is unacceptable.


I'm done too. Getting redirected too. That was the last straw. Won't purchase there anymore.

I like JRR. Like to give them my business. But I can't take a chance that a hacker has the site/system compromised. And I can say with certainty that there is no one at the company that knows how to deal with it. That much is pretty evident.

Uncle E,  love ya man. But ya gotta get this fixed or I won't be back until you do. I sure hope it's not a tragic situation that your company is involved in. Whatever the reason it has gotten to this point, I wish you and yours well.


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1 hour ago, kevin H said:

I can’t access either.  

I can access it, but then it redirects to TVC-mall within a few seconds of JRR Shop loading. TVC Mall is in Shenzen, China.

Slightly unrelated, but perhaps still worthy of note in my books:

On July 29 I googled "jrrshop" and clicked the top result which took me to japan.jrrshop.com which was odd. Directly after this I visited Plugin Boutique and while there was surprised to find VAT was being added. I've never had VAT added before, ever. It seems this was due to location-related site settings having been changed in my browser, unbeknownst to me up until that moment. Odd, to say the least. I then changed site settings for PB in my browser, after which things returned to normal,. i.e., no VAT being added to prices.

(Incidentally, japan.jrrshop.com is presently also redirecting to TVC Mall.)

A couple of days ago my bad JRR Shop checkout experience happened (I posted about this earlier in this thread). And then when I happened to visit Plugin Boutique directly after that I found VAT was being added again. Location-related site settings for PB had changed again, unbeknownst to me. Odd, and a little concerning by now.

(Incidentally, when I had the pricing issue at PB in July it also ocurred when I then went on to sign into PB on a different device altogether. I didn't try on a different device when it happened the second time recently.)

Since the aforementioned bad JRR Shop checkout experience happened (during which I was attempting to pay with Paypal) I've received an email appearing to be from PayPal, stating that my PayPal account has been restricted due to bad activity. The email contains a link supposedly to login to Paypal. All signs point to this email being scam related, and I have disregarded it as such. The question now beckons, is my bad JRR Shop checkout experience involving Paypal in any way related to me receiving a scam email phishing for my PayPal login credentials soon afterward?

The common factor in all of the above has been JRR Shop. Coincidence, or otherwise? I hope I'm quite wrong. But personally, after seeing this latest issue with the redirection to TVC Mall, and in light of the above mentioned experiences, I'm inclined to deem visiting JRR Shop a potential risk of some kind at this time, and to be avoided for caution sake.

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Done. Period. Saving a few bucks here and there is no longer worth the risk. While Uncle E may be a good guy, he’s had years to fix a recurring situation, which other vendors, large and small, seem to have easily mastered. The buck stops with him.

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Be careful now since the site is now being redirected. If it is the work of a hacker, there could be code on the new site designed to deliver a malicious payload script to compromise your PC. 

If you have visited the redirect site recently it might be prudent to scan your PC for malware. Just saying...

I've always liked JRRShop, but I'm staying far away until a credible "all clear" is given. ???

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Score hidden · 4 hours ago · Stickied comment

Uncle E is aware of the issue now. We'll see what happens.




Update 1: Uncle E has said they store no personal information for billing. All transactions with credit cards go directly through the credit cards company portals so the website doesn't even obtain that data. Same with PayPal.


Edited by Fret Flintstone
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Update 1: Uncle E has said they store no personal information for billing. All transactions with credit cards go directly through the credit cards company portals so the website doesn't even obtain that data. Same with PayPal.

This is his solution to the issue? Not acceptable for me.

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