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Slow Movement, 7th Symphony

Jerry Gerber

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Good stuff as always, Jerry. Definitely could imagine this as a lost Gershwin piece, especially if it was played in double-time. That big string-ish wash patch reminds me of Tomita's fat and juicy Moog strings.

Suggestion: take a look at a regenerative pitch-shifting reverb such as Valhalla Shimmer or tritik's Irid. With automation you can make a string phrase morph into a lush pad. I have been experimenting with the technique - here's my experiment. That big wash in the middle of the piano intro isn't a synth, it's a pitch-shifting reverb. At 1:36 you can hear the same effect on a solo violin. 

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  On 9/24/2020 at 4:44 PM, bitflipper said:

Good stuff as always, Jerry. Definitely could imagine this as a lost Gershwin piece, especially if it was played in double-time. That big string-ish wash patch reminds me of Tomita's fat and juicy Moog strings.

Suggestion: take a look at a regenerative pitch-shifting reverb such as Valhalla Shimmer or tritik's Irid. With automation you can make a string phrase morph into a lush pad. I have been experimenting with the technique - here's my experiment. That big wash in the middle of the piano intro isn't a synth, it's a pitch-shifting reverb. At 1:36 you can hear the same effect on a solo violin. 


I'm listening now.  It does give the violin an interesting and sustained quality, almost like a synth.  It's also a nice piece and well-recorded too.   I am enjoying listening, thanks for sharing it with me Dave.

I sure love hearing well-produced and well-written music that is different than my own.   It calls to mind my idea that there's only one music in the entire cosmos, one ultimate source of meaning and beauty and each one of us in our own way is listening for it, listening to it and interpreting it.  Of course I could be wrong, but it's still a fun idea!




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That's pretty heavy, Jerry. Although you're probably quite right about that, my mechanistic mind tends to think of it as a psychosomatic response leading to a release of endorphins. Any way you look at it, we all create music for an audience of one and just hope somebody else likes it, too.

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  On 9/25/2020 at 1:11 PM, bitflipper said:



that right there

so jsg

if I said heads and tails would that mean anything to you?

Also, what is so cool about this, and most will miss, is that you included the sheet music!

I have never seen that before this forum, or any forum

I can't read music, but when I look at the score, it comes in waves, page by page, like a good painting

The file wouldn't play for me, but I saw it with my eyes

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  On 9/25/2020 at 10:45 PM, Jesse Screed said:

that right there

so jsg

if I said heads and tails would that mean anything to you?

Also, what is so cool about this, and most will miss, is that you included the sheet music!

I have never seen that before this forum, or any forum

I can't read music, but when I look at the score, it comes in waves, page by page, like a good painting

The file wouldn't play for me, but I saw it with my eyes


I don't know why the sound file isn't playing for you Jesse, it seems to be working for everyone else...

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