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2 corrupted songs at the final mixing stage


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Anyone ever have this problem? 

In 20 years of recording professionally, this is the 1st time this has ever happened to me. 

Safe mode only brings up a blank calkwalk session. The audio folder has all the wav files in there, but it won't open 

I haven't told the client yet, but I imagine I will have to re record both songs for him???


Thanks in advance for any suggestions 


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Yes, it's something that can happen. Fortunately, it's very rare.

Whatever you do, don't delete the broken project. It's possible you've had some disk corruption, and leaving the bad cwp there assures that bad spot won't be re-used.

That's assuming the corrupt file is in fact the project file, which it probably is.

Start a new project and start importing those wave files. If any of them are corrupt, this will let you know which one(s) they are and thus which parts you may have to re-record. You will probably be able to import all of them. You'll still lose your automation and plugin settings and have to recreate any buses, but that's still less hassle than re-recording - and you won't have to tell your client about it. Heck, you might even end up with a better mix after starting over.

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