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Cakewalk has suddenly started auto saving every few seconds

Mehrdad Shamsi


Okey this is literally starting to drive me absolutely insane. All of a sudden from a few days ago my cakewalk just keeps continuously auto-saving every few seconds even though I am absolutely making no changes to my project.

my setting are set to auto-save every 20 minutes or every 100 actions taken and they have always been set to that and I have had no problems before this.

but this is driving me absolutely insane.

Can anyone tell me what the hell might have happened ? or how I could fix this?


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4 answers to this question

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18 hours ago, Promidi said:

Is it possible that you have added a plugin that triggers the "changes" count?. 

Have you tried turn off the saves after changes (by setting the count value to zero) and setting the timer to a lower value?

Yes disabling the auto-save and setting the count value to zero or setting the count value stupendously high fixes it so something is definitely triggering changes that count but I just can't figure out what. It's happening with my old projects too and I am not using any new plug-ins in them. Do you have any clue how I could figure out what vst is doing this without having to remove every vst and fx out of the project one by one? Like is there a console or something for changes ?

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5 hours ago, Nigel Mackay said:

Hold down Shift while opening a project.
It asks about loading VSTs.
Leave one at a time out.
Repeat for each VST.
Choose the project with the fewest VSTs. ?

That would be super frustrating.

One thing! Technically changes u make inside your vst plugins don't count as actions right? only adding and removing vst plugins and fxs and recording something or writing midi counts as an action taken right? I feel like though there was a setting somewhere that made changes you make inside a vst plugin itself count as actions too and I feel like I might have turned that on, but I cant find such an option anymore. Does cakewalk have such an option?

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