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Focusrite Plugin Collective September: Get Simple Concept by Krotos (Otherwise available only to Novation Customers)

Kal S

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Sound Collective (exclusive to Novation customers) is giving away Krotos Audio’s Simple Concept plug-in synth to its members.

However, now they’re opening that offer up to all Plug-in Collective members (exclusive to Focusrite customers) as well. You can also claim a 50% discount on the full Concept.

Login to your Focusrite Account to access the free plugin. It will show up under the 'Software' tab after you are logged in.

More details about Simple Concept here

You can find a Video Guide for redeeming the offer below:



Edited by Kal S
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  On 9/10/2020 at 8:18 PM, cclarry said:

This was posted a while ago, but I can't find the thread...but I just checked
and I have already redeemed the offer...but a reminder doesn't hurt


Oh. I didn't realise that it had been posted already.

I found it by accident in my account. Usually I would just scroll down on the deal page till where I could see the Redeem link for the current offer. Krotos was below that link. I missed it completely initially. Found it on a subsequent visit. (For some strange reason I am not getting any email updates from Focusrite)

It's still showing as available though so it didn't expire with the Magnetite deal. Also no mention of a cut off date for redeeming it.

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