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Techniques for Selectively Silencing FX Trails ?


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Was hoping I could gather some techniques for selectively silencing FX trails, specifically within a track.  For example, maybe there is a vocal or guitar solo track having reverb or delay FX, and there's a spot in the song where the music comes to a dead stop for a few beats.  If the goal was to ensure the gap was silent with no FX trails spilling over, what are the available methods for achieving this?



Edited by SonicExplorer
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5 hours ago, SonicExplorer said:


Was hoping I could gather some techniques for selectively silencing FX trails, specifically within a track.  For example, maybe there is a vocal or guitar solo track having reverb or delay FX, and there's a spot in the song where the music comes to a dead stop for a few beats.  If the goal was to ensure the gap was silent with no FX trails spilling over, what are the available methods for achieving this?



These are some things you can use and/or do

1. Gate

2. Volume automation

3. FX automation

4. Cut the track into clips and where the clip ends is ware the FX tail will end. Make sure you have disabled play Fx tails in the preference  menu and do a short fade so no artifacts effect it

Edited by CJ Jacobson
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