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More expense in September courtesy of Izotope .....


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Just felt that little blow torch inside called ‘desire!’  Now come all the thoughts called ‘rationalization!’  And then will come all those motor movements called ‘pulling out my credit card!’  

all good to watch!  

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  On 8/29/2020 at 1:51 PM, cclarry said:

I'm still waiting on a super deal to upgrade to 7 Advanced....still to rich for my blood.
Will have to be a super deal to get me to jump....


i think the prices to upgrade to the latest version are the same whatever version of RX advanced you have


so the longer you leave it the more versions you skip and the more of a bargain it is...although that upgrade price is not great

I'm  in the same boat with izotope as as Im now with arturia after adding those 3 mod fx - I've lots of different packages and collections so upgrading is complicated.....I don't really know what belongs in what collection.

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  On 8/29/2020 at 3:30 PM, Matthew Sorrels said:

The advance upgrades full retail prices have always been way too much.  But iZotope can't help themselves, they will offer something with a bundle or what not that brings the price down.  Still may be looking at $150-200 ish though.


It hasn't even been offered in a Bundle....RX7 Standard, which is what I have, comes in MPS3.
RX7 Advanced is the only Advanced product I don't own...and at the current upgrade pricing,
that's not going to happen any time in the near future...still way too much 

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  On 8/29/2020 at 3:38 PM, cclarry said:

It hasn't even been offered in a Bundle


It's in the RX Post Production Suite 4 bundle, though at $1,999, there are quite a few things above it on my wishlist. In fact, there are so many things above it that it's fallen off my wishlist; not to say it's no good - just to much for me to justify.

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  On 8/29/2020 at 3:48 PM, antler said:

It's in the RX Post Production Suite 4 bundle, though at $1,999, there are quite a few things above it on my wishlist. In fact, there are so many things above it that it's fallen off my wishlist; not to say it's no good - just to much for me to justify.


Yep...forgot about that one....but that's way beyond my wishlist.  RX7 Advanced is ONLY 
product from Izotope on my wishlist...and it's VERY low priority

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I think my jump to RX Post Production Suite 2.1 was $149, but I already had RX Advanced.  But the upgrade to Suite 4 only added some 3D reverbs and didn't have a crazy discount, so I passed.  When they added a few 3D reverbs to the Post Production Suite they jacked the price to go with them. RX 7 Advanced is pretty nice,  though the upgrade pricing (in or out of the Post Production Suite) is very unhealthy.  RX 8 will need to bring something very new to get me to jump when it ships.  It's always better to wait for iZotope to come around.


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I've got everything that izotope do - including all the surround reverbs and excluding dialog match as that's protools only.  My upgrade to post production suite is $799 even though I have all the products in it.   Who knows what they are going to want for the RX8 upgrade

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I think iZotope could double their sales if they fixed the way they compute upgrade prices and actually showed the best deal for things you don't have on the Loyalty Offers page under your account.  Right now what offers you get/pricing you get is almost disconnected by what you have in your account.  Too many times the only way to get the right/best deal is to order from a retailer (and provide whatever proof they need).  I keep waiting for iZotope to get around to fixing their site/account management, but it doesn't seem to be on their to do list.

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  On 8/29/2020 at 10:33 AM, paulo said:

You'll only hate yourself in 6 months time...


I know you meant this as a joke, but as a salve to buyer's remorse, I pointed something out on the old forum to the SPlat people who were, not surprisingly, aghast  at "It's SONAR Platinum, but free!" We now understand that that pitch was hyperbole and it was really more SONAR Professional, and I definitely have add-on envy (and undying gratitude) for anyone who owns a SPlat license. Even if BandLab would just put in the stuff they own!

Sure, I got Cakewalk by BandLab for free, but I only got to use it for a month or two at that point. They got to use SONAR for years, sometimes decades. Do we get bent out of shape when the toll bridge becomes a free bridge, even though we paid $5 a day for 10 years to cross it? (Well, maybe if we bought a non-refundable $300 pass  6 months before it turned free.? Still, 6 months I didn't have)

That's the thing I always remind myself in such situations: for the $29 I dropped on Ozone Elements, I had over a year of using the software before iZotope started giving it away at Pluginboutique. These are tools, and yeah, I'm a plug-in 'ho, but unless you're in it for "he who dies with the most plug-ins wins," we pay to have the tools when we need them. Getting Ozone Elements at that phase of my development  was HUGE. When I could finally set up my master bus so that it sounded better than the presets and wizard in Ozone was when I knew that I was getting somewhere.?

If you're doing the kind of work that requires RX, especially if you're getting paid for it, $20 a month for 6 months to have the new features NOW is totally worth it. RX is amazing, incredible, a time-saver, and I haven't watched the video, but it's been a long time since 7 and they tend not to mess around.

Recently, I got Phoenix Reverb for $10. If I could go back in time 5 years and pay $100 for that license, knowing how much it would do for my mixes....

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