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NI Kontakt updated to 6.4.1 (Updated)

Larry Shelby

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6.4.0 - 2020-08-26
New Dynamic Effects, new Main Effects Module.

ADDED There are now two new effects for dynamic processing (SUPERCHARGER GT, Transparent Limiter)
ADDED There is now a new Main Effects signal processing module
ADDED New constants for the <generic> argument when setting and getting engine parameters ($NI_SEND_BUS, $NI_INSERT_BUS, $NI_MAIN_BUS)
IMPROVED The number of maximum MIDI object export areas has been increased to 512
ADDED KSP A new constant that defines which area should be used when dragging from a specific label ($CONTROL_PAR_MIDI_EXPORT_AREA_IDX)
ADDED KSP A new command that defines the number of MIDI object export areas mf_set_num_export_areas(<num_of_areas>)
ADDED KSP A new command mf_copy_export_area(<index>) is used to manage the usage of the new additional export areas
ADDED KSP New bindings for Inverter and Amplifier parameters for Phase Invert and L/R swap ($ENGINE_PAR_PHASE_INVERT, $ENGINE_PAR_LR_SWAP)
ADDED KSP A new constant allows up to 16 custom event parameters to be assigned ($EVENT_PAR_CUSTOM)
IMPROVED Effects can now be replaced with a right mouse click
IMPROVED Saving the name of a custom snapshot by pressing “Enter” is now supported
FIXED Since Kontakt 6.3.0 folder locations with a slash directly in the path would not be stored by Kontakt
FIXED KSP Showing and hiding a label with a drop target did not work correctly
FIXED Replika BBD Type, Diffusion Amount, Diffusion Mod and Diffusion Density did not correctly recall values
FIXED When used as a send effect, Replika return parameter did not behave correctly
FIXED Kontakt would crash in certain edge cases when manually entering values in edit fields
ADDED New factory KSP multi script Remap Keyboard
IMPROVED Tweaks to the factory KSP multi script Change Keys
ADDED Replika, Plate Reverb and Send Effects Chain additional presets

Creator Tools stays on version 1.2.0 and works with this version of Kontakt, too.

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I have been in contact with NI and had to roll back to 6.3.2.

kontakt 6.4.0 had broken a number of key libraries - in my case, Cinematic Studio Strings.

I understand other libraries from Spitfire and others may also be affected.  

NI have indicated over at VI-Control they are looking at this as a high priority.

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  On 9/1/2020 at 9:53 AM, ZincT said:

Strange; I was working with 6.4.0 for a few hours on a Kontakt library in Unify without any issues. This morning I load up Kontakt standalone and get the BETA message.
Looking forward to the fix!



Yes, I think something triggered very recently - That's been most people's experience.  There were some other 'server' issues over the weekend that they 'fixed' yesterday.  Maybe all the same root cause ? ....doesn't explain the bugs in recent builds though

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6.4.1 - 2020-09-01
Bug fix

FIXED Certain libraries (Cinematic Studio Strings and others) could cause incorrect long release notes under certain conditions
FIXED Batch resaving certain libraries could crash Kontakt
FIXED User Zone based instruments could crash Kontakt under certain conditions
FIXED Supercharger appeared in the wrong place in the menu

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