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SOLVEDCrashing After Consolidating Project


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It's a bit complicated. When I finish my orchestral projects, I consolidate them before exporting to my notation program. for example, I have maybe 4 or 5 different violin tracks, because I use multiple libraries. mostly they are all duplicates, so I consolidate all these tracks into one "master" violin track. and that's just first violins - have to do the same for seconds, violas etc. Plus all the winds, percussion and so on. When I'm done, I have  a much neater file to export. I also get rid of keyswitch notes, double notes etc. 

I assign all instruments to Garritan Personal Orchestra, as it is easy on the Ram. I listen to it to make sure all is right ("proof listening."). Usually, there is no problem. I do the proofing, fix any mistakes, export the midi1 file, and import it to notation. but with my current project, I can't play it back without it crashing. so, I can't proof-listen. I had to just do the consolidating and hope it's all correct. (It's much easier to catch wrong notes by ear than eye, even if you do read music).

Any ideas on why my project is suddenly crashing, after I do the consolidating? It never did before, so I'm pretty stumped. The only change in Preferences I recall making recently was to disable notifications while loading.



Edited by mdiemer
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