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I got an Akai Midimix for my birthday recently, and found that it doesn't work well at all with CbB. I found this thread which solved some of my problems, but it still doesn't light up. (Record Arm, etc.) I also found this article which (I think) explains how to integrate those. I'm not that great with coding, so if anyone is, I'd like to be able to integrate this. Thanks!

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9 hours ago, Heinz Hupfer said:


After looking to pictures, this should be easy to give you all functions of this controller in AZController.


I should know which CCs are been sent from it (each knob and fader), then I can write quickly a preset for it...

Use MidiOX to see what is coming out of Midimix.




Thanks for your reply, but I honestly don't understand what you want me to do. I'm a beginner at this stuff, and this is my first control surface.

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Please install MidiOX. Select Midimix as In- and Output. Now press a knob or use a fader and look at the Out/In Windows which Midisignal is coming from Midimix for every Button, Slider and Rotor.

I do need:


CC number or

Note Number and Values ( normally 127 and 0)

CC Values (from...to) (normally 0 and 127 or to for Rotors)


Then I can write a preset for these Buttons, Rotors and Sliders. Another possibility is to write the Preset and you change the Midi values in the Midimix if there is an Editor, I couldn't find any....






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These Buttons at the Bottom are the faders I think!

Ok! Tomorrow morning I send you a AZ Controller Preset, but you need these Bank Left/Right Buttons,  not listed in the picture. Could you try midiox and finf out CC and midi channel? 



P.S found a editor



Edited by Heinz Hupfer
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1. You should "Send to Hardware" the Midimix Preset to Akai Midimix with the Editor (OneDrive Link). I had to change all Buttons to Midichannel 2 and the first Mute Button to CC 25.

2. http://www.azslow.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=79

    Download and install AZController, latest Version.

3. In Cakewalk open Plugin Manager and Choose --> Controller --> AZController --> Import 

    Import the preset you have downloaded

4. In Cakewalk open AZController Settings in the Control Bar in the Controller TAB

5. Load the imported Preset

6. Open Cakewalk Preferences (P) and choose --> Midi --> Controller

7. Add new Controller --> AZController

8. Choose Midi IN/OUT Port Midimix

9. Open AZController Settings and load and save preset

10. Important to do 6. again and choose other Midi IN/OUT and assume.

11. Important to choose Midi IN/OUT Midimix again and assume.

      There's a bug at the moment with preset saving and loading


That's it. Midimix should work!


Problem would be Bank Left/Right cause I can see the same value for Note On and Off. Not sure if this works.

On normal press it should move the WAI 8 Tracks forward/backward. On Long Press (~0.5 sec) Bank Right should move WAI to Bus Section and Bank Left to Track Section.

So please give Feedback if all works and LEDs do go on and out. Are there some lights on the Rotors?

Have not found anything about them..





Akai_Midimix - 21-08-2020.spp Akai_Midimix Preset 1 - 21-08-2020.midimix

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Writing a quick reply so you know I got it. I'll try it this afternoon, thanks so much!

5 hours ago, Heinz Hupfer said:



1. You should "Send to Hardware" the Midimix Preset to Akai Midimix with the Editor (OneDrive Link). I had to change all Buttons to Midichannel 2 and the first Mute Button to CC 25.

2. http://www.azslow.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=79

    Download and install AZController, latest Version.

3. In Cakewalk open Plugin Manager and Choose --> Controller --> AZController --> Import 

    Import the preset you have downloaded

4. In Cakewalk open AZController Settings in the Control Bar in the Controller TAB

5. Load the imported Preset

6. Open Cakewalk Preferences (P) and choose --> Midi --> Controller

7. Add new Controller --> AZController

8. Choose Midi IN/OUT Port Midimix

9. Open AZController Settings and load and save preset

10. Important to do 6. again and choose other Midi IN/OUT and assume.

11. Important to choose Midi IN/OUT Midimix again and assume.

      There's a bug at the moment with preset saving and loading


That's it. Midimix should work!


Problem would be Bank Left/Right cause I can see the same value for Note On and Off. Not sure if this works.

On normal press it should move the WAI 8 Tracks forward/backward. On Long Press (~0.5 sec) Bank Right should move WAI to Bus Section and Bank Left to Track Section.

So please give Feedback if all works and LEDs do go on and out. Are there some lights on the Rotors?

Have not found anything about them..





Akai_Midimix - 21-08-2020.spp 17.06 kB · 0 downloads Akai_Midimix Preset 1 - 21-08-2020.midimix 146 B · 0 downloads


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9 hours ago, Heinz Hupfer said:



1. You should "Send to Hardware" the Midimix Preset to Akai Midimix with the Editor (OneDrive Link). I had to change all Buttons to Midichannel 2 and the first Mute Button to CC 25.

2. http://www.azslow.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=79

    Download and install AZController, latest Version.

3. In Cakewalk open Plugin Manager and Choose --> Controller --> AZController --> Import 

    Import the preset you have downloaded

4. In Cakewalk open AZController Settings in the Control Bar in the Controller TAB

5. Load the imported Preset

6. Open Cakewalk Preferences (P) and choose --> Midi --> Controller

7. Add new Controller --> AZController

8. Choose Midi IN/OUT Port Midimix

9. Open AZController Settings and load and save preset

10. Important to do 6. again and choose other Midi IN/OUT and assume.

11. Important to choose Midi IN/OUT Midimix again and assume.

      There's a bug at the moment with preset saving and loading


That's it. Midimix should work!


Problem would be Bank Left/Right cause I can see the same value for Note On and Off. Not sure if this works.

On normal press it should move the WAI 8 Tracks forward/backward. On Long Press (~0.5 sec) Bank Right should move WAI to Bus Section and Bank Left to Track Section.

So please give Feedback if all works and LEDs do go on and out. Are there some lights on the Rotors?

Have not found anything about them..





Akai_Midimix - 21-08-2020.spp 17.06 kB · 0 downloads Akai_Midimix Preset 1 - 21-08-2020.midimix 146 B · 0 downloads

I have tried it, so now here's your feedback:

The lights do not work, that's fine, I don't really need them.

Bank LR does not work at all, the buttons do nothing.

Is there a way to change what the rotors do? (and no, there are no lights installed on them)

Other than that, it works perfectly. Thanks so much!

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Hi :)


For sure we can change what the rotors do or do  shift for more functions on rotors. Just list what you want to have 

Perhaps there's a programmers handbook to see how the lights gon on and out.

With bank we have to try different things. I don'.thave this controller so it's difficult if there is no exact description and you can't  change these buttons with the editor?..send you the next preset tomorrow!


We change first the octave of c# and d, in midi ox I see HEX 1a for d1, but this is sometimes d2 and not what midiox shows....

Edited by Heinz Hupfer
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Please open AZController Settings, go to hardware tab and from the upper left dropdown list choose WAI_DN and then press your Bank left. Down below click on Forget Midi and then on assign midi. Do the same with WAI_UP and Bank right. Should work now.

If yes, save and don't forget to change Midi In/Out to anything,assume and change back, assume.

On the left upper corner you can see Ch:2,  N25 or 26 , 127 Note On when you press any Bank Button.

What do you see?

CAn you make a screen video with AZController Settings Overview Tab open and pressing Bank Buttons?

We'll get it to work.....


P.S. Found how to turn on the lights!


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Ahhhhh, my fault. I wrote from my Pad and haven't had the preset on my eye:(


For sure WAI Up and down are the functions, WAI Left/Right the Midi Actions. 


So it works now, thank you Alexey:)


OK, I have to change the octave for the Bank Buttons and the Signals for the lights. That's strange, you can change CCs or Notes from the buttons but the lights do go on only on the "original" Note Numbers.




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