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Arpeggiator and Latch Jammed - Not Able to release


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One more bug in Cakewalk..


When you activate a) Arpreggiator and b)Latch  on a Kontakt Instrument track, even after you release/deactivate  both, the  instrument still keeps playing and cakewalk had to be shut down and re started.


Please fix this issue


Thanks & Regards

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2 hours ago, Ali said:

When you activate a) Arpreggiator and b)Latch  on a Kontakt Instrument track, even after you release/deactivate  both, the  instrument still keeps playing and cakewalk had to be shut down and re started.

Are you talking about the Inspector-based Arpeggiator? If so, are you using remote control MIDI?  If so, there are other discussions about that issue.


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