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Ken McMullan

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On 8/12/2020 at 10:17 AM, Starship Krupa said:

Rather than going through what was obviously an upsetting experience and then ranting about how BandLab should have protected you from all that uncertainty, how about doing some research ahead of time? That's what I do. It seems like you actually did, at least enough to know that Cakewalk was now freeware. It didn't have to stop there.


No need for the angst and confusion. The information is readily available.

Like others, you are somewhat correct, but I feel the need to reiterate what I've posted a few times in this thread: The suggestion that I should Google "what should I expect to encounter when I try to install Cakewalk" is unreasonable. I doubt I would have found the response "You'll need to create another social media account and then they'll ask you if you want to install some tools you've never heard of, and which come with no descriptions.

I did my research. I knew the tool I wanted, I installed it. I did not know what tools I did not want. I did not know to search for the tools that I did not know I was going to be offered. Nor did I know that I required to login first.

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