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Baby Audio 40% off Parallel Aggressor

Larry Shelby

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This plugin is good illustration for a dilemma related to GAS syndrome... 

Probably this is good compressor/saturator but is it any exceptional comparing to already owned ones?

It claims it can give easiness of parallel compression bu we can do it easily with additional bus (or split stream in SO) so is it price just to let use 1 plugin instead of DAW feature... No mentioning many of compressors also have it... So is it only pure marketing?


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1 hour ago, Piotr said:

This plugin is good illustration for a dilemma related to GAS syndrome... 

Probably this is good compressor/saturator but is it any exceptional comparing to already owned ones?

It claims it can give easiness of parallel compression bu we can do it easily with additional bus (or split stream in SO) so is it price just to let use 1 plugin instead of DAW feature... No mentioning many of compressors also have it... So is it only pure marketing?


Not something I'm interested in....however, this offers both paralel compression and the seperate saturation signal.     SUre you can do the same thing with two effect sends to two different buses and having a comp and a saturator on the respective bus.   But that also seems like a sloppy way to work.

I have a couple paralell compressors (including one from Baby Audio, and Boz come to mind)  but adding in the extra channel of saturation is a bit unique.

Again, not interested myself, but I would say I much prefer Paralell comp workflow within a plugin than  setting up a bus and routing.  Especially if you are using it for more than just a single drum track or something.

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Just got an email....price is $29...down from $49

Intro offer

Parallel Aggressor will be priced at $49. But as with our other plugins, we’re offering our users an intro price of $29 (until August 30th).

This offer allows existing I Heart NY owners to upgrade at a 40% discount and will remain active after August 30th for IHNY owners.


Head to our site for a free trial and more.
/The BABY Audio team.


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I just came here to post this. I saw it on PB this morning, then got the email a little while ago. Only $19 upgrade at PB if you took advantage of the FREE giveaway earlier this month from Loopcloud - the "StayInspired" thing.


I've tried out the I Heart NY on a couple of mixes and it is certainly usable. This "update" only makes it better. And BIG props for the UI too, I think it looks great and is/will be very functional and user friendly.  I'm in.  But I'm going to see what the freebie is for next month at PB.  The sale runs until Sept 1.

Edited by mibby
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3 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

Not something I'm interested in....however, this offers both paralel compression and the seperate saturation signal.     SUre you can do the same thing with two effect sends to two different buses and having a comp and a saturator on the respective bus.   But that also seems like a sloppy way to work.

I have a couple paralell compressors (including one from Baby Audio, and Boz come to mind)  but adding in the extra channel of saturation is a bit unique.

Again, not interested myself, but I would say I much prefer Paralell comp workflow within a plugin than  setting up a bus and routing.  Especially if you are using it for more than just a single drum track or something.

I partially agree. I appreciate all plugins which come with mix knob as well.

But it was also reflection about market  trying to get advantage from our GAS and pointing out something what was not really so unique (as lots did it before).

Another thing having parallel FX on separate bus has some edges...  I don't need to launch plugin window to do blending and changing proportions as I have all faders available at once.  Also it is more flexible as  I can have on a bus more than just 1 compressor/saturator/other thing.

I could also create FX chain or use last Waves excellent plugin for that to provide such functions.

Buying more and more compressors and saturators I am thinking more and more if  I am sometimes just trying to justify my laziness.

And it fires against me also with less and less creativity...

Instead of trying to different possible combinations and master in using what I already have (so zylion of plugins ) I am just waiting for ready-to-use 1 button miracle plugin, maybe even thinking for me or at least waiting for voice command ;)  

I know sometimes workflow improvement is worth of additional costs but in such cases where I could just do more work than pressing buy button to have a plugin what do such thing and use it later (like mentioned FX chains etc). Or maybe I am not motivated enough to do it as in fact I would take an advantage from it?

Just such thoughts in my head fighting each against other ;)  But maybe I am alone? :)

Or maybe I have too many plugins not used at all so doubts about my previous buy decisions strike me more?

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1 minute ago, Piotr said:

I partially agree. I appreciate all plugins which come with mix knob as well.

But it was also reflection about market  trying to get advantage from our GAS and pointing out something what was not really so unique (as lots did it before).

Another thing having parallel FX on separate bus has some edges...  I don't need to launch plugin window to do blending and changing proportions as I have all faders available at once.  Also it is more flexible as  I can have on a bus more than just 1 compressor/saturator/other thing.

I could also create FX chain or use last Waves excellent plugin for that to provide such functions.

Buying more and more compressors and saturators I am thinking more and more if  I am sometimes just trying to justify my laziness.

And it fires against me also with less and less creativity...

Instead of trying to different possible combinations and master in using what I already have (so zylion of plugins ) I am just waiting for ready-to-use 1 button miracle plugin, maybe even thinking for me or at least waiting for voice command ;)  

I know sometimes workflow improvement is worth of additional costs but in such cases where I could just do more work than pressing buy button to have a plugin what do such thing and use it later (like mentioned FX chains etc). Or maybe I am not motivated enough to do it as in fact I would take an advantage from it?

Just such thoughts in my head fighting each against other ;)  But maybe I am alone? :)

Or maybe I have too many plugins not used at all so doubts about my previous buy decisions strike me more?

Not everyone already has multiple compressors with "real" parallel built in,  I don't think it is fair to assume a plugin maker is trying to take advantage of our GAS.

As my post points out, I have no interest in it based on other plugins I do happen to have.    They also just gave away what now looks like the baby brother to this plugin.   So are you really going to fault them for putting out a more feature rich version that looks better and charging for it?    A $20 upgrade price for those that got the free one isn't totally outrageous.  If it were $5, they might have gotten my $5 even though I don't need it.  


I also like wet/dry/mix knobs.

You of course could do as you say and put different and multiple Comps and Saturators on the buses.  But again that points back to both what you have already and workflow.  Setting up a bus, multiple comps and saturators takes way more effort than loading a single plugin setting it and moving on.  It also assumes you have already purchased (or have the other tools).

I'm at the point where I clearly don't need anything else, but I buy the occasional toy.  

I don't need another comp, but I also do really like the new Toneboosters one and that price isn't crazy.    


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I wasn't super excited about the "I Love  NY" freebie and never bought it beefore because it was nothing "new". But after picking it up in the giveaway and trying it out a few times, it does bring a different flavor to the table.  I also have my parallel drum busses already set up in my template and plugins that I like to use for that. However, because of the unusual sound of this AND the fact they added saturation, this will get some use, or at least be tried out, as an insert on my kick/snare tracks.  With the saturation, who knows, it might sound good on other things as well - maybe it'll even sound good on a vocal too?  ?


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5 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

Not everyone already has multiple compressors with "real" parallel built in,  I don't think it is fair to assume a plugin maker is trying to take advantage of our GAS.

Hm, should I assume then they don't follow normal business processes?  Not analyzing (very saturated) market, trying to find their target buyers and reach them by prepared advertisement with pointing out anything they believe let them sell more efficiently?  So should I assume they are doing everything without any plan and random? ;)

I am not trying to make anybody evil seller or manufacturer ;)

It is normal thing and I fully accept to be targeted by many plugin manufactures as a guy who is GAS affected so can buy another compressor even having zylion already...  But it also doesn't mean I cannot think and try to adjust my own decision beeing aware of marketing and ads trying to make me think I need more and more or anything specific... As a buyer I need first of all to define what I really need or consider interesting before I am sold by an advertisement. And this is sometimes very hard for me :) I have even worse problem than GAS itself I am a collector so rarely if at all selling anything :(


5 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

As my post points out, I have no interest in it based on other plugins I do happen to have.    They also just gave away what now looks like the baby brother to this plugin.   So are you really going to fault them for putting out a more feature rich version that looks better and charging for it?   

Brian, did I really try to fault anybody because of that?  Should I provide enthusiasm and uncritically approach to anybody who wants to sell plugins? 

How do you think why I am not buying every single plugin? Just because of some thoughts - as I expressed those were just my thought, my private point of view...

If it could help anybody who is at the stage I was few years ago and limit expenses for plugins and do it in more considered way it is great.  Especially for people who are collectors as well :)

My losses didn't go completely in vain then.

But if anybody wants to buy it and believe I am wrong, I am fine with it too...   After all which point of view should I express if not mine ? ;)  


5 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

A $20 upgrade price for those that got the free one isn't totally outrageous.  If it were $5, they might have gotten my $5 even though I don't need it.  


I also like wet/dry/mix knobs.

You of course could do as you say and put different and multiple Comps and Saturators on the buses.  But again that points back to both what you have already and workflow.  Setting up a bus, multiple comps and saturators takes way more effort than loading a single plugin setting it and moving on. 

Yep, I hear you. If I believe something is really improving workflow and is affordable I am considering a buy.  I can always earn money but not time.

5 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

It also assumes you have already purchased (or have the other tools).

So maybe again ;) I wrote those were my thoughts so it was obviously related to situation people  who could have similar one. And as mentioned GAS we can assume somebody who has no plugins or very few is not affected yet, right? ;)

5 hours ago, Brian Walton said:

I'm at the point where I clearly don't need anything else, but I buy the occasional toy.  

I don't need another comp, but I also do really like the new Toneboosters one and that price isn't crazy.    


I don't see anything wrong with it. But I guess making decision about plugins you also have different thoughts. Some of them are making you to buy. The others don't.

To be honest I sometimes even bought plugins  just after demo video. Not to be proud of it. Not always it was awarded. But it was part of learning process. So after a few years buying plugins I have some second thoughts about everything related to buying, selling, manufacturing plugins etc, Is anything wrong with me because of that?


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