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My First Post on the New Forum! - "Made of Glass" Rock Video

Bob Oister

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Hi, Guys,

I was a member of the old Cakewalk Forum for 11 years, and I'm thrilled to see many of the great guys from the old forum have made it over here to this fresh, exciting new place!  I'm hoping that it develops into the same type of constructive, helpful community that flourished for so long on the old forum!?

I unfortunately had to take about a year and a half of from writing, recording and mixing, and just got slowly back into things right before the old forum closed, so I'm posting an older one of my videos while I'm working on a couple new songs and videos that I'm hoping to be able to post soon.

Many of the crew from the old forum will probably remember this, and probably helped me out with mix advice for it a few years back, but I figured that after commenting on a few songs here, that it was time for me to finally jump into the fray!?

Anyway, just joining in and looking forward to posting some new test mixes for input and advice very soon!


"Made Of Glass"


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Pure brilliance. Always loved this song.

I personally am waiting to hear some newer stuff. Power trip was the last song I heard (newer anyway). thought that was a great song as well Bob.

We are both right up the same alley when it comes to blues/metal. I hear so many influences in your music. Great writing, even better production on the recordings, mixes.


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Hey, Tom,

It’s really great to hear from you, buddy!?

Thanks for checking this out for me and for the kind words!  Oh, yeah, 10k would be nice!?

I actually pulled out my studio log from way back when to check out the details on the drums on this.  As usual, it looks like I plodded my way through on my Yamaha Pads for the basic kick, snare and hi-hats until I got something fairly steady, (LOL, quantized to all heck because I’m not a drummer, just a guitar player trying to drum!?) and then used my M-Audio KeyRig midi controller to add the fills and cymbals.  It’s kind of sad to admit, but my timing is actually much better using my fingers to drum on the midi controller than all four limbs on the e-kit!  I used a custom drum kit that I built in Steven Slate Drums that’s based on the “Dream Theater” kit with a few pieces that I swapped out from other kits.

As everybody from the old forum knows, the drums on my stuff are always my Kryptonite, and I always struggle to get them to sound something close to what I’m hearing in my head.  Thankfully, you and all the other helpful guys from the forum usually chime in with some great input, advice and tips to help me get the drum tracks sounding much better!?

Thanks again, Tom, I’m hoping to get some new stuff ready to post very soon!

Have a good one, brother!


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Chuck E Baby:

Hey, Charlie,

How are you, brother?  It's really great to hear from you, hope you're doing great!?

Big thanks for checking this video out again for me, and for the very kind comments!  I always look forward to and greatly appreciate your input and observations on my stuff, especially because your stuff is always dynamite, and I think we've always been on the same wavelength style wise.?

It's really great to see another member of the old forum crew active over here at the new place, and I'm looking forward to catching up with everybody and hearing what they've been up to.

Thanks again for the warm welcome on my first post, greatly appreciated, Charlie!  Keep in touch!

Have a Rockin' weekend!

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Hi, Freddy,

How are you, buddy?  Hope you're doing great!?

I'm glad that restarting your PC did the job and got YT working again for you!?

Thanks so much for checking out the video again for me, and for your kind words of encouragement!  Greatly appreciated, Freddy.

By the way, dynamite job on your new post "Humanity" really cool song and excellent guitar and vocals as always from you!?

Thanks again, and have a great weekend, buddy!


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Hey, Paul,

How are you, my friend?  Hope you're doing great!  it's nice to see another familiar face on the new forum!?

Thank you so much for checking this video out, and for the very encouraging comments!  I truly appreciate your input and observations on my stuff!  I'm hoping to have a test mix of something brand new to post very soon.

The new heartfelt Pop Ballad, "Liar" that you recently posted is really excellent, fantastic work!?

Thanks again, Paul, much appreciated!

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Hey, Daryl, How are you, buddy?  Great to see you on the new forum!?

Thanks so much for having another look at this video for me.  I always greatly appreciate your input, suggestions and support on my stuff, and value your friendship highly!?

Hope you and the lovely Mrs. are cranking out some new Staypress material, I always look forward to your cool posts, and the quality is always top notch!

Thanks again, and have a great night!

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To be real honest it is not my style of music that I listen to.

You have a great voice and the harmonies are great.
Guitar work is fantastic.
As I work professionally within video production I know and appreciate the work that has gone into making it.

I have the latest Slate Digital drums...  just learning to program them.
I have posted a rock project a few hours ago which was my first go at drums.

Thanks for taking the time to comment on peoples tracks and mixes.
Its appreciated.



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Douglas Kirby:

Hi, Douglas,

Thanks so much for checking out the video for me, and also for your very encouraging comments!  I truly appreciate you taking time to listen and comment, greatly appreciated!?

On this song I used my PRS Paul Allender Signature Model, through my Line 6 Toneport UX2 and two POD Farm 2.59 bi-amped custom amp sim models that I heavily tweaked.  One was based on a Diezel Herbert and the other was based on a Marshall J800.  Because of time constraints, I usually only get a chance to record between 3 and 5 AM, so I very rarely mic up an amp anymore when I'm recording.  I sure don't want to wake up the neighbors in the houses nearby!?

Thanks again for giving it a listen, Douglas, and have a Rockin' weekend!

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Byron Dickens:

Hey, Byron,

Thank you so much for checking out the video, and the kind words, greatly appreciated!?

Yes, sir, you're right about real drums being a blast to play, LOL, I just wish I could play them well enough to not embarrass myself in a live situation! ? At least in the studio with the electronic set I'm able to play the kick, snare and hats over and over again until I get something fairly close to what I'm hearing in my head, and then quantize the midi to iron out my horrible timing issues, and then add the fills, toms and cymbals after the fact.  Being a guitar player, it's so much faster and easier for me to tap out drum parts with my fingers on a keyboard midi controller or drum pad controller than with the e-kit, but sometimes I end up with a real messy drum track.  I'm just thankful that the guys on the old Songs forum were always so helpful with ideas on how to reign things in and fix up my drum tracks until things sound decent.  The drums are always a struggle for me, but with this layered process, I just keep trying and trying until something clicks.

Thanks again, Byron, I really appreciate your input and support!

Have a good one!

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Hi, Gary,

How are you, my friend?  Hope you're doing well!

Thanks so much for checking the video out for me, and also for the encouraging comments!☺️

What you mentioned about musical styles was part of what made the old Songs forum so great!  A wide variety of musical styles and genres, and sub-categories of each genre, was well represented, and the forum members all seemed to be able to listen closely and provide helpful comments and observations no matter what type of music was posted, even if it was something they didn't regularly listen to.  In the long run, I think it's always great to get opinions and ideas from people who are into other types of music, and enjoy exploring the recording, mixing and production techniques used in types of music that I don't normally listen to.  Hopefully, when things get a little busier here on the new forum, more of that will happen.?

Your new post, "Just Be With You" is off to a fantastic start!  Great guitar tones, excellent sounding drums, and the vocals and harmonies are really nice.  I'm looking forward to hearing it when you get the bass tracked, it's going to be dynamite!?

Thanks again, Gary, I greatly appreciate you listening and commenting!

Have a good one, my friend!

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Hey, Wook,

How are you, brother?  Hope you're having a great weekend!?

Thank you so much for having another look at this old video for me, and for the kind words!  I truly appreciate your input, friendship and support, John!☺️

Looking forward to hearing something new from the furry paws soon!?

Have a good one, Wookster!

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